Chapter 9

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Meryl was happy when she finally got to go home to her husband. It was a hard movie to shoot. She and Don were so unlike Arnold and Kay; but she liked playing those characters who were unlike her so she could find the similarities. She was even more grateful that she and Don had the relationship they did; and that even after 33 years of marriage they still loved each other as much, actually more, than when they were married. She came through the house calling for him. "Don? I'm home. Sweetheart?" She didn't see the lights on in his studio when she drove up. All of sudden she saw him come through the back door.

"Hey, beautiful." Don gleed as he kissed her on the cheek. "I was hoping to beat you home."

Meryl took off her jacket and put her bag down on the catch all bench in the kitchen while he placed bags on the kitchen counter. "What's all this?"

"See for yourself." He winked as he opened the paper containers.

Meryl's face lit up. "Beef and broccoli? Egg rolls?"

"Wantons." Don winked and then went to the refrigerator. "Pinot. No cooking for you tonight, my love."

Meryl clapped excitedly and then went over to him wrapping her arms around him. "You do love me!"

"As if there was any doubt." He said hugging her tight then he placed a welcome home kiss on her lips and kissed her forehead. "How's my girl? You doing okay?"

Meryl didn't want to worry him. "I'm much better now that I'm home. It's just an emotional movie and I'm so glad you are who you are; that you're my Don Man."

"Me too, my girl." Don winked. "Let's eat."


"This is so good." Meryl moaned in delight as they ate.

Don laughed at her. "I don't know if I even get moans like that."

"Oh, yes you do." Meryl winked. "Maybe I can prove it later?"

Don winked at her as they continued to eat. "You can count on it, beautiful. So, tell me about your day? Everything was really okay?"

"Yeah." Meryl was vague. "Still a little jumpy but I'm fine. I've been looking forward to time with you all day. Kay is just so sad."

Don nodded as he poured her some wine. He didn't want to push her about the thing Roy called him about though he was dying to know. He knew she would tell him in her time. "Tell me about it."

"Kay and Arnold are just so different than Meryl and Don." Meryl smiled.

Don raised his eyebrows. "We're better, right?"

"Much MUCH better." Meryl laughed. "They don't talk or touch; you read the script."

Don laughed. "We are better. I'm pretty proud of that."

"Me too, Don Man." Meryl smiled at him. "How was your day?"

Don didn't want to tell her that after Roy called he lost focus. "Pretty productive. Got the billing done. Website is updated. I'm just looking forward to a relaxing night in with my beautiful wife."

"I'm so glad I got off early." Meryl sighed relaxedly. "Only a few more weeks."

Don smiled. "Then back to New York."

"As long as I'm with you then I'm happy." Meryl said squeezing his hand.

Don was relieved that she seemed so relaxed. "Me too; now eat up. I have a night of movie watching and cuddling on the couch planned."


"I love that movie." Meryl smiled as The Breakfast Club was coming to an end.

Don nodded. "Remember the first time we watched it?"

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