Chapter 43

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"Don." Meryl moaned as Don was trying to pull her out of the house. "Where are we going?"

Don pushed her up against the side of the house as he attacked her neck. "To be alone. I want you. I need you. We've barely had anytime together since that stupid fight. I've missed you."

"Oh, God." Meryl closed her eyes as she could feel herself becoming even more aroused at his words. She loved that they were like this after being together for 33 years. "I've missed you too, baby, but we can't."

Don pulled away and looked at her. "You promised."

"I know." Meryl laughed as she stroked his face."I wasn't thinking  about the fact that we would have a house full of people."

Don was thinking of where they could go. "Guest house?"

"The Gummer Inn is full, sweetheart." Meryl sighed. This was his birthday party and she wanted to give him out of the world sex; especially after the doubts that had been placed in his mind. Yes, the night before was amazing, but it was interrupted. "What time is it?"

Don looked at his watch then showed it to her. "It's about 9 o'clock. Why?"

"Okay, meet me in your studio at midnight." Meryl smiled. "People should be in bed by then; or the kids will be busy with a movie or game and won't even notice we're gone. If I disappear for awhile before that just meet me there."

Don pulled her to him. "That's 3 hours away, M."

"Somehow I think you will live." Meryl smiled. "I promise to make it worth it. Do we have a date in your studio at midnight?"

Don swiped his tongue into her mouth giving her more of a promise of a kiss than a kiss. "It's a date."

"Don't be late, Gummer." Meryl winked as she turned to walk back into the house.

Don shook his head as he watched her wiggle her ass. "Yeah, right."


Don was sitting with the kids in the living room watching them play games when he looked at his phone and got a text from his wife at about 11:45. 

If you don't want to wait any longer then I'm ready for you, big guy.

Don tried to hide the beam on his face. He tried to discreetly walk out of the living room until Louisa noticed him. "Dad, where are you going?"

"I'm going to go find your mother so we can head to bed." Don tried to evade. "It's been a long day." Don breathed a sigh of relief when they seemed to have bought it. "See you all in the morning."


Meryl was finishing up lighting candles all over the open loft area of Don's studio. She smiled at the pallet of blankets and pillows she had made on the floor. Her eyes flittered to the fire in the fire place and then the table of leftover food and drinks from the party. For thinking on her feet when they so desperately needed alone time together she was pretty happy with how things were coming together. She smiled when she heard the door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. "I'm up here."

"Yes, you are." Don smiled, somewhat out of breath, as he ran up the stairs. "And you are so fucking hot."

Meryl smiled as she walked over to him wearing only heels and one of his painting shirts; she had buttoned the buttons in such a way that only a few buttons were buttoned, not leaving much to the imagination. "You are devilishly handsome, old man."

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