Chapter 2

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The next night Don was released from the hospital; and per his wishes Meryl was happy she was able to keep it from the family. She was relieved that neither of them had received any calls from his mother or the rest of the family. She was even HAPPIER that she was able to keep it out of the press. This was her family, and she didn't want Don exposed more than he already was. They just told his mom and family they would be there later than expected. Meryl wanted to make sure he had time to heal so the family wouldn't know. She was also hell bent on finding out who did this to her husband; even though in her heart and mind she knew exactly who was responsible.


"Hello?" Meryl said quietly as she hurriedly answered the phone in living area of their hotel suite; not wanting it to wake up Don. "Yes, this is her, yes. It was her? Yes. I need to talk with my husband and we will get back to you on how we would like to proceed. Thank you, thank you very much."

Don could hear his wife in the other room and wondered why she wasn't still in bed with him. "Babe?"

"Go back to sleep, baby." Meryl yelled back as she dialed the front desk. "Yes, is Teresa Gillespie still a guest? Great. What room? Thank you?"

Don walked in as Meryl wrote something on the pad of paper hurriedly. "There you are."

"Hey, baby." Meryl said quickly getting up and giving him a good morning kiss as she cupped his handsome face in her hands. "How are you this morning?"

Don smiled sheepishly. "Pretty shaky."

"I was afraid of that. Go ahead and rest while I go get you some breakfast, maybe getting some food into you will help. This time, don't leave and scare me like that." Meryl said with a kiss to his forehead.

Don pulled her back to him. "I have a much better idea than you leaving me all alone in this big hotel suite. Why don't we just cuddle?"

"You're something else." Meryl laughed as she escaped his hold. "I really want you to rest and get something into your system. I promise you we will when I get back."

Don sighed as she closed the door and went over to the desk to write down some thoughts he had for his speech when he saw notes Meryl had scribbled down; causing him to rush to the door. "HELL NO!"


"MARY LOUISE." Don yelled as he ran, as much as he was able, down the hallway of where Teresa Gillespie's room was. "Don't think about it."

Meryl whipped around and came face to face with her red faced husband. "Don? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Don huffed and puffed. "I'm not going to let my wife ANYWHERE near that psycho. No way in hell!"

Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes. "But she...she tried to take you away from me again. I'm so tired of it, Don. I'm so tired of things happening to you. I'm so tired of the fear of losing you. "

"I know, baby, me too." Don sighed as he pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. "I'm tired of it too; but I could lose you if you piss her off; and the fear of losing you overwhelms me. I can't, I won't, let that happen."

Meryl looked up and cupped his cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Will you come back to the suite and talk to me, please?" Don asked.

Meryl caved. "Come on, handsome."


"Don." Meryl sighed.

Don looked at his watch while taking her pulse. "How's your heart?"

"Physically its fine, babe." Meryl choked.

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