Chapter 63

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Meryl woke up having sharp pains in her stomach, so sharp they were literally taking her breath away. She all of a sudden felt a gush between her legs. She knew what it was. She leaned over and whispered in her husband's ear. "Don Man? Baby?"

"Hmmm?" He replied in his sleep.

Meryl was kissing all over his face. "Want to go have a baby?"

"Maybe later, Darl." Don mumbled as his wife watched his eyes pop open. "WHAT?"

Meryl laughed at her husband's reaction. "My water broke."

"Okay, don't panic." Don said jumping out of bed; running around like a crazy person. "Your bag is by the door as well as baby carrier. I'll call Ross for a cab. Don't panic."

Meryl finished getting dressed and looked at her husband. "I'm not panicked. We've done this before."

"Are you in pain?" Don asked as he went over to her.

Meryl was doing her labor breathing as she couldn't help but laugh at her husband. "I'm in labor."

"Right." Don laughed. "Let's go bring our LAST baby into this world."

Meryl laughed. "Let's go, Gummer."


"Don." Meryl cried during labor as another contraction took over. "I can't do this. I can't."

Don was wiping her forehead with a wet cloth as he watched the monitor to see how much longer her contraction would last. "Baby, this one is almost over. You're doing so good, Darl, so damn good."

"It hurts." She cried. "It hurts so damn much."

Don continued to cook her down with the wet wash rag. "I know, Darl; but you are amazing. If I could do it I would."

"You couldn't take it." Meryl croaked.

Don laughed at his wife. "Damn straight; our baby needs YOU. Can you PLEASE let them give you something."

"No." Meryl breathed. "Too many risks as it is."

Don sighed. "Sweetheart, the baby is perfect. There is no reason to put yourself in danger or cause yourself ANY more pain."

"NO, DON!" Meryl cried. "I have to do it this way. Are you with me?"

Don grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Always. Let's do this again, Mrs. Gummer."


"Okay, Meryl, I can see the head." Dr Taylor said sitting down between her legs. "You're so close."

Don was wiping her sweaty face. "You can do this, baby; you're almost there."

"We are NEVER doing this again." Meryl croaked.

Don laughed as he helped her set up. "I think that procedure I already had is our assurance."

"Meryl, I need one more push." Dr. Taylor said.

Meryl shook her head as she started crying. "I can't, Don, I've got nothing left."

"Yeah Darl, you can. You have done so good. Just one more good, hard push, then we'll finally get to hold this baby. Then you can sleep. I will go get you food." Don was trying to entice. "Don't you want to show those Kardashians how it's done? That Meryl fucking Streep can do ANYTHING. Even have a baby at 63?"

Meryl pulled herself up with the help of Don's hand. "That's Gummer to you."

"Let's do this." Don laughed with a kiss to her lips.

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