Chapter 74

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The next 2 weeks were relaxing ones for Don and Meryl. Don was working from his studio in their penthouse apartment while Meryl read scripts, did phone interviews and shopped for both their baby and grand baby online. Don had shared with Meryl his plans for their granddaughter's nursery and put her in charge of ordering furniture and drapes and sheets as well as other fun stuff. Henry and Susie insisted on paying for everything which Don and Meryl refused; they couldn't wait to surprise their son and future daughter-in-law with the perfect nursery complete with a Don Gummer painting job. Don could tell Meryl was getting bursts of energy and that laying around was getting harder and harder for her; so he planned a little surprise on a day that he knew would be difficult for her.


It was the morning of March 12th. As usual on that day, Meryl was quiet. She never wanted to burden Don with her sadness on the anniversary of John's death; though he was always wonderful. Each year the pain was a little less; but even 34 years later she still remembers being in that small hospital room with him as he took his last breath. Don knew it was something that would always be with her; he felt it always should be. He also knew that event not only shaped her into the woman she became; but it also shaped their marriage and life together as it taught both of them what was important. After they ate breakfast and shared some conversations about the news, Don grabbed her coat, boots and found her checking her email in the office; and went over closing her MacBook. She looked up at him in question. "Yes?"

"We're going out." Don smiled as he handed her boots and coat.

Meryl raised her eyebrow at him. "You're springing me?"

"I am; but I'm driving." Don smiled at her. "Oh, and we won't be back until tomorrow; so Mamie is going to come stay with Birdie."

Meryl finished putting on her boots and took the hand he offered her, letting him put her coat on her. "Shouldn't I pack a bag or something?"

"All taken care of." Don grinned proudly. "So, want to go on an adventure with your husband?"

Meryl's heart melted. She knew what he was doing. He did this every year on the anniversary of John's death; but not to this extent. He would take her out for dinner or lunch; but never a night away. "What's the occasion?"

"Well." Don smiled. "I thought we could go take a peek at our baby today."

Meryl's face lit up. "My appointment isn't until Thursday, though."

"I pulled a few strings and thought today would be a good day to see our baby; and then I plan on wining and dining my wife." Don said pulling her close. 

Meryl blinked back tears. "Have I told you today how damn much I love you, Donald Gummer?"

"You just did." Don said as he kissed her lips then her forehead. "I love you too, my girl."


Don was standing by Meryl holding her hand after Dr. Taylor checked her out. "How's she doing?"

"Just perfect." Dr. Taylor smiled as Don kissed Meryl's hand. "Everything is looking great. Her levels are where we want them. The diabetes and preeclampsia seem stable. She even gained more weight; good job, Don."

Don laughed as Meryl rolled her eyes. "I'm trying."

"Are you going to ask or am I?" Meryl asked looking at him. She was feeling better and better, so their enforced celibacy due to his concerns was really starting to get to her.

Don laughed at his wife. "I'll ask."

"Sex?" Dr. Taylor asked as they both laughed and nodded. "You two should know that sex is perfectly fine and actually encouraged."

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