Chapter 42

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Brad was sitting in the waiting room waiting for news on Meryl. He could tell how worried Don was and wanted to be there for support if needed. He was brought out of his thoughts when his cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Brad." Mamie began. "It's Mamie."

Brad was surprised. "Oh, hi sweetheart. Is everything okay?"

"How's Mom?" Mamie asked quickly before getting to the reason for her call.

Brad tried to cover. "She's doing better; just waiting on the results of her tests."

"Oh, good. I'm sorry to bother you. I tried calling Dad's phone but he didn't answer." Mamie said.

Brad hoped he wasn't saying too much. "He's back with your mom as they figure out what's going on. Can I help you with something?"

"I thought maybe Mom and Dad could use some good news." Mamie smiled.

Brad had to laugh. "I'm sure they could. I would be happy to give them the message, Mames."

"Long story short, Henry and Susie were planning a gender reveal present for everyone later. Well, Birdie got into the box." Mamie said talking about the family dog. "So, the balloons got out and it's a girl!"

Brad beamed. "Your parents are going to be so happy. I would love to give them this news. Mamie, thanks for calling me."

"You're family." Mamie smiled as all the kids were starting to come around with Brad. "Thank you for being up there with Mom and Dad. We all would have gone but they were so upset with us earlier."

Brad knew it had to do with their dream. "It didn't have to do with you. Your dad is going to talk to all of you later. I'll have him call when they know what's going on with your mom."

"Thanks, Brad." Mamie smiled. "I'm glad you're with us."


Brad ran into Meryl's room to tell them about the conversation with Mamie on the phone. He froze when he heard the doctor, glad he seemed to be undetected. "Congratulations, you two; you're pregnant."

"Yeah, right." Meryl laughed.

Don chuckled along with her. "I appreciate the levity, Doc, but what is going on with my wife?"

"I'm serious." Dr. Owens said as Brad backed out of the room undetected. "It's still really early in the pregnancy, you're only two weeks along, but you're pregnant. That is why you passed out earlier and were dizzy." 

Meryl was trying to follow. "I'm 62. How can this happen? I mean, I know how it happens. But, biologically?"

"It's not as uncommon as you might think." The doctor explained. "It happens quite often."

Don tightened his hold on her. "How risky is this for my wife? I mean with her age and her heart issues."

"We ran all kinds of tests on her hearts and it is in great condition. The Afib is under control. We will just continue on with her medications. No pregnancy is guaranteed without it's complications. If you decide to keep the baby." The doctor began not knowing the feelings that were going through the Gummers at the thought of not keeping the baby. "You need lots of rest, eat healthy, exercise. You'll be much more tired this time around and have more morning sickness."

Meryl nodded. "This is quite a shock and surprise. Could I have some time with my husband?"

"Of course." Dr. Owens said.

"Wait." Don said as his head popped up. "Meryl is really okay? She'll be okay? The baby is okay?"

Tears appeared in Meryl's eyes at his words and concern. Some things never change. "They really are. I promise, Mr. Gummer."

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