Chapter 22

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"So." Louisa began as she, Grace, Henry, Mamie and Ben were having breakfast with Don and Meryl in their suite the next morning. "Did your neighbors have to put in earplugs last night or are you two still mad at each other?"

Meryl's eyes got big as she almost spit out her coffee. Don quickly patted her on the back. "You okay, Darl?"

"I think." Meryl laughed as she looked at her daughter. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Mamie looked at her siblings and spoke for them. "Well Mom, with you running off when Brad revealed who he was and you two being up in Dad's room for a long time we were worried. I mean here Dad finds his real father and he hates you."

"I was just concerned about your father." Meryl explained as he reached for her hand underneath  the table. "Yes, I was upset and worried. Not necessarily about our relationship; but I didn't want Brad's hatred or whatever of me to ruin their relationship."

Don shook his head as he lifted her hand to his lips. "I am still VERY angry at what he has done to your mother, to us. I will not allow ANY of you to be treated that way and disrespected; if you are I want to know about it. I was extremely worried about your mother; but we are perfect. Better than ever."

"Earplugs." Louisa said making everyone laugh and Don and Meryl shared a knowing look.

Henry got a cheeky smile on his face. "Speaking of earplugs."

"Yeah, do you think Grandma and Brad got it on last night?" Grace asked.

It was now Don's turn to choke on his food as Meryl came to his aid this time. "You okay, Don Man?"

"No." Don said as his eyes got big. "Can we please not talk about my mother doing THAT at the breakfast table? We're trying to eat. I'M trying to eat."

Grace's eyes got big. "Well, that's a little bit of the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?"

"I think it is." Mamie piped in. "Don't you, Ben?"

Ben held up his hands. "I'm staying out of this one."

"How so?" Meryl asked; trying to help her husband out.

Henry started laughing. "Seriously?"

"What?" Don asked.

Louisa shook her head. "You two are always kissing at the table or in the kitchen when we are trying to wake up or digest our food."

"Well, that's different." Meryl said kissing Don and grossing out their children in the process.

Don made the kiss noisy for the benefit of their children's disgust. "That's right; we're adorable. We're Strummer."

"Oh, God." Meryl laughed. "Don't get him started on that; PLEASE."

Louisa knew what he was talking about and shook her head. "Let's talk about something else."

"Yes." Meryl said seriously as she looked at Don.

Don nodded his head conveying he knew what she was getting at. "That was a huge bombshell dropped last night. How are you kids doing with digesting the news?"

"It's shocking." Mamie said honestly as her sisters nodded in agreement.

Henry shook his head as he shrugged. "Honestly, I think we are more concerned with how he has treated Mom and how that would affect the two of you."

"It won't; AT ALL. We are NOT going to allow it. I am NOT going to allow it." Don said strongly. "I made that abundantly clear. All of you are my first priority; I don't care if he is my biological father. I told him he has a long way to go to earn my trust to be around ANY of you. I am very serious about this."

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