Chapter 68

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Meryl was absolutely glowing on the red carpet; and Don couldn't seem to keep his hands off her. They walked the carpet with Roy and his sister. Don would only let go of her when someone wanted to take a picture of her alone. As soon as they were done he was right there to hold her hand and guide her into the auditorium. He was relieved that she seemed to be feeling much better. She was laughing. She was incredibly flirty with him on the red carpet and during the show; which he didn't mind at all. He smiled and held her close whenever she would cuddle up to him, or run her hand along his thigh during the show; he didn't care what the outcome of her category was, he couldn't wait to get her alone. He just hoped she continued to feel as well as she was at the moment. If she was then he was going to tell her exactly what her in that dress did to him.


Meryl couldn't believe it. Roy just won his VERY first Oscar. He had been with her almost as long as Don had. He wasn't just her "work husband" as Don often called him; he was Uncle Roy, he was part of the family. Meryl started jumping up and down in her seat as Don leaned over to her, laughing. "Don't give our baby a concussion jumping like that."

"If what we do doesn't do that; then this won't." She winked as she turned her attention back to watching Roy walk through the crowd. She was screaming and clapping. Then her stomach popped her belt right off. "DON!"

Don laughed as he looked at her belt. "What happened?"

"I knew it was too tight." Meryl said looking at him with worried eyes. "It helped take attention off from my stomach."

Don held his hand out as he whispered in her ear. "Give it to me; I'll try to fix it. Watch Roy."

"Thanks, Gummer." Meryl winked at him as she turned her attention to Roy's speech. She was so happy and proud of him. Not only that he won; but she was thrilled that he won for something they collaborated on together. She wiped tears from her eyes as Roy was walking back off stage.

Don handed her belt to her and smiled. "Voila. Just don't break it when you win."


"This is it." Don winked at her when Colin Firth was announcing the Best Actress category. "You've got this."

Meryl gazed lovingly at him as she held onto his hand tightly and whispered into his ear. "Why did they put me up there? I'm not going to win."

"You are, I promise." Don smirked. "I always keep my promises."

Meryl shook her head at her husband as she sat as close to him. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes as she felt Don squeezing her hand and the things Colin was saying to and about her. She scooted as close to Don as possible as the winner was announced. She froze. There is no way she could have heard it correctly. That was until she felt Don let go of her hand and start to stand up. She looked at him with huge eyes. "WHAT?"

"I told you so." Don said as they pulled each other close for a kiss. "I love you." 

Meryl was blinking back tears as she kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"Go get 'em." He winked as he took her clutch purse from her. He stood there with pride as the entire auditorium had erupted in screams and cheers; he was pretty sure he could even hear their children screaming from wherever their seats were. He tried to keep his smile subtle but he couldn't help the smirk that appeared as he watched his wife take the stage and her exclamations.

Meryl kissed Colin, accepting the Oscar, and couldn't help but laugh as she tried to get everyone to sit down. She just kept laughing. She couldn't help but think about how her babies were good luck charms. She had just had Henry when she won for Kramer vs. Kramer, she was pregnant with Mamie when she won for Sophie's Choice and now she was pregnant with their little surprise miracle baby for Ion Lady. She locked eyes with Don, or at least she thought she did with all the lights, and she was overcome with gratitude for him and their remarkable family. All the movies and awards were just icing on the cake. She remembered what she said in an interview once and always felt that way, "I am a wife and mother first; an actress sometimes." She continued to giggle as the went to the microphone. "Oh my God, oh come on. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you. When they called my name I had this feeling I could hear half of American going, 'oh no. Oh come on. Why? Her? Again? You know. But whatever." She laughed. "First I'm gonna thank Don because when you thank your husband at the end of the speech they play him out with the music." Don and Meryl's eyes locked. "I want him to know that everything I value most in our lives you have given me."

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