Chapter 80

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It had been a week since Don had been in the hospital and started on the anti-anxiety medication; to say he was experiencing side effects was an understatement, though neither of them realized it was the side effects. He was dizzy and nauseous and constantly sleeping; Meryl couldn't seem to get him to eat anything because of how he was feeling. She tried everything she could think of to get him to eat. Not only was he feeling crappy, which made her feel powerless, he was also constantly sleeping. Meryl was trying not to take it personally, but she couldn't help it. She felt like they were barely talking; and she didn't know the last time he touched her when they weren't sleeping. She tried to tell herself it was just because of how he was feeling but that was becoming harder and harder.


Meryl couldn't fucking believe it. Here she was laying on the examination table, spread eagle, in the doctor's office, and her husband was fast asleep in a chair in the room snoring. Meryl felt like the truth was slapping her in the face. Dr. Taylor looked at her. "Shouldn't the sleeping anywhere come AFTER the baby is born?"

"It's a new occurrence." Meryl grumbled. "Can we just get on with this, please?"

The doctor nodded as Meryl pulled up her shirt and the doctor squirted the gel on her stomach. And moved the wand around. "Everything looks great."

"He's getting so big." Meryl choked and then looked at her husband. Her heart hurt even more when she realized that he no longer wanted her or the baby; she had never felt more alone. "Baby is still doing okay?"

The doctor nodded. "Just keep doing what you're doing. All your levels are perfect. You're at a good weight. Baby is doing amazingly. I'll see you again in two weeks."

"Thanks, doctor." Meryl said wiping the gel off her stomach with the paper towel she was given as the doctor walked out. Meryl needed to get out of there before she broke down in sobs. She shook her head at her still sleeping husband and ran out of the doctor's office and building as fast as she could; speeding off in her husband's car and leaving him asleep in the examination room. "It's okay little one, at least we'll always have each other."


"Uh, Mr. Gummer?" The nurse said waking up Don. "Mr. Gummer?"

Don jumped up out of the chair. "Huh? What?"

"Mr. Gummer, we need this room for the next patient." The nurse explained. "You've been sleeping for quite awhile."

Don looked at the empty examination table. "What? I have? Where's my wife?"

"You fell asleep as soon as we got Mrs. Gummer in here." The nurse explained. "Her appointment has been over for a good 30 minutes and she left as soon as it was over."

Don shook his head trying to understand. "Wait. I've been asleep?"

"Pretty much since you sat down." The nurse laughed.

Don nodded as he got his jacket. "Sorry, thank you." Don then walked out of the office as he tried to call Meryl over and over. "Well, this is fucking great." Don sighed as he hailed a cab and got in. "92 Laight Street, Tribecca please." Don couldn't figure out why she left him there sleeping; why she wouldn't wake him up. Not only did she leave him there but she let him sleep through her appointment; she had to know how important it was for him to be present in everything. He then started to think about the past week. He felt like they weren't on the same page; that the only time they talked was when they were asking how the other was. He now realized just how much he was sleeping. He then thought about how they were barely touching or kissing. He couldn't figure out what happened but then realized the timing of it had to do with his new medication. He pulled out his phone and types in the side effects to Prozac. "Dizziniess, sleeping, nausea and erectile dysfunction. ED like hell." He whispered to himself. Even though he was pissed as hell at his wife for leaving him sleeping in the doctor's office like he was some uninterested ass hole of a father; he would be damned if he would let this fucking medication disrupt their sex life. "Can you step on it, please?"

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