Chapter 64

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The next day went fairly well for the Gummers. Don and Meryl were extremely clingy with each other. Neither wanted the other out of their sight; and Don was constantly telling her how much he loved her, as she did the same for him. He also made her rest throughout the day as much possible. One thing he noticed was that she didn't call him Don Man; which broke his heart. He meant it when he told her that he loved hearing her call him her Don Man, and he was missing it. He was constantly calling her his girl to reassure her. He loved the smile that appeared on her lips whenever he did. He decided not to say anything about her not calling him Don Man for awhile; that maybe she just needed time. That night they went back out to the lake house for Brad's proposal to Jane which she eagerly accepted. The whole family had a great time; and Meryl felt a peace that her husband finally had his parents together. She hoped that not only was it a new beginning for Brad and Don, and Brad and Jane, but also for Jane and Don. They fell asleep that night like they did the night before after her dream: legs and arms wrapped around each other, pressed as closely as possible. Don talked to her again as she fell asleep; he didn't care. He hated she was so afraid of the dreams that would come next that she didn't want to sleep. So, he would do anything that kept her calm and feeling safe.


On Sunday morning Don and Meryl were getting ready to go walk to their favorite brunch place in Indianapolis, Cafe Patachou, and get brunch. He was old friends with the owner and they always got a private table way in the back and their privacy was guaranteed. Don walked out of the bathroom and into their bedroom. "Is my girl ready?"

"Let's go Don M..." Meryl stopped what she was saying. "I'm ready, baby."

Don sighed as he took her hand and led her to the sofa in the bedroom. "Darl, let's talk for a second."

"Are you okay?" Meryl asked concerned.

Don hated that she had been like this ever since her dream. He was trying to let it go; but seeing her afraid to call him a name that gave them both comfort because of her dream broke his heart. "No; I'm worried about you. Baby, it was just a dream. It wasn't real. Everything that happened in that dream wasn't real."

"I know." Meryl said dismissively.

Don played with her wedding band. "If you know then call me your Don Man."

"You're" Meryl teared up. "I can't."

Don's heart was literally hurting. "Sweetheart, you can. I hate you feel like you can't call me a name that brings both of us comfort. I miss hearing you call me that; not only for my sake but yours as well."

"I'm just afraid if I call you that then my dream will come true." Meryl choked. "That was kind of the turning point in the dream."

Don shook his head. "The Don in that part of your dream wasn't your Don Man; he was a fucking bastard that's who he was."

"Don." Meryl finally smiled.

Don grabbed her head and tenderly kissed her lips; pressing his forehead against hers. "This Don, the one that is holding you now, the one that just kissed you is your Don Man; and he loves you so much. He would NEVER let your dream come true."

"I love you so much, my Don Man." Meryl said it without even realizing she said it.

Don beamed at her. "That's my girl. We're going to be okay, my love. Just another fucking pregnancy dream that sucked beyond belief. However, it was just that, a dream. A NIGHTMARE."

"It was that." Meryl nodded. "Come on, my Don Man, your girl and baby are hungry."


"That was wonderful, Don Man." Meryl smiled kissing Don's hand. "Thank you."

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