Chapter 28

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The next morning Don smiled as he woke up and rolled over to snuggle up to his wife along her back. He moved her hair and nuzzled her neck. He loved when they could wake up at the same time; and he knew she did as well. He kept kissing her neck, enjoying waking her up in this way. He wished they could just stay in bed with one another; but he knew they needed to finish packing and meet the kids for breakfast before heading out to his mother's house. Don smiled when he heard her croaky voice. "Don't stop."

"You like that?" Don whispered as he kissed down her neck.

Meryl nodded as she reached back to thread her fingers through his hair. "Very much. I like when you wake me up like this."

"Me too, baby." Don whispered as he continued with what he was doing. "Unfortunately, we need to get up."

Meryl giggled as she pushed her backside against his front. "You already are."

"I always am when I wake you up this way." Don laughed.

Meryl turned around and wrapped her legs around him. "Maybe we should do something about that."

"Maybe we should." Don whispered as his lips descended upon hers just as the phone rang. "Really?" 

Meryl laughed with a kiss to his lips as he reached for the phone. "It could be the kids about breakfast."

"Yeah." He sighed as he answered the phone in a grouchy voice. "Hello?"

Jane Gummer replied on the other end of the phone. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"I was trying to wake up on the right side." Don said winking at his wife as she just shook her head at him; knowing what he meant.

Jane didn't really pay attention. "When are you and Meryl getting here?"

"Mom, it's barely 7am." Don sighed. "We are having breakfast with the kids then will load up and head there. I said we'd be there for lunch."

Jane shook her head. "Well, I need to know if it will be a brunch type deal or lunch. Are the kids coming?"

"No mother, just us, and we aren't staying all day." Don said as Meryl snuggled up closer to him. "We'll bring food."

Jane huffed. "I thought I was cooking."

"I said we were bringing it." Don sighed. "We'll see you soon."

As soon as Don was off the phone Meryl pulled him to her. "Now, where were we?"

"She pisses me off." Don sighed.

Meryl was kissing his neck. "Shhh."

"I mean it's 7 o'clock in the fucking morning." Don said. "We've talked about this; she knew when we were going out there and she also knew that the kids weren't coming. She can't give us any time to ourselves. What is her fucking problem?"

Meryl sighed as she laid back down on the bed. "No morning delight, huh?"

"I'm sorry, baby." Don sighed as he ran his fingers through her hair. "The moment is gone. You know I love you."

Meryl smiled. "I know that more than anything; and I, you. Come on, we can at least shower together."


"Thank you for the shower." Don smiled as he pulled Meryl to him just outside of the hotel restaurant. "I'm sorry about earlier."

Meryl knew he meant the phone call from his mom. "I got to enjoy you washing me."

"I enjoyed that, too." Don winked.

Meryl stroked his cheek. "I know she strikes a nerve, Don Man, but try not to let her get to you. She can't hurt us and we won't let her hurt the kids. This is a special time for you as you get to know your father. Please, sweetheart, please don't let her ruin that. This is about you and Brad. It's not about her; and it's not about me. This is about YOU. I'm only along for the ride."

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