Chapter 25

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Meryl offered to drive her and Don to the Browns' house; while the kids rode in a separate car. They knew their mother had a surprise for their father later that day, they could also tell she was still irritated at them, so they all thought this would be best. Don noticed how quiet Meryl had been since they left the hotel. When she said she would drive Don decided to let her; he knew she was worried about him; and that this was her way of taking care of him. She only let go of his hand when she had to in order to steer the car safely. Once they got on the interstate, Don couldn't help but notice how fast she was going. "Want to talk about it?"

"Huh?" Meryl asked looking at him quickly. "Did you say something?"

Don released the grip she had on his hand and showed her the marks she made on his hand from her rings. "You are cutting off my circulation and you're going 85 in a 75."

"Oh." Meryl said easing up on the gas and reaching out to grab his hand and kiss it. "Sorry."

Don smirked at her. "I like you don't want to let go; but I also know you. I'll ask again, want to talk about it?"

"I am still so pissed off at the kids." Meryl shook her head as she looked in the rearview mirror to make sure she hadn't lost them even though she was still mad. "I can't believe the way they talked to you; after all, you are an amazing father to them. I don't know how they could believe you would turn a blind eye and doubt your love for us."

Don rubbed her shoulder. "I sure do love you; thanks for sticking up for me."

"I love you more." Meryl winked.

Don shook his head as he kissed her hand this time. "Not possible."

"It's not about sticking up for you; there is nothing to stick up FOR! You haven't done anything wrong. You are putting your family, us, first as always." Meryl smiled at him. "You deserve to get to know your real father. You always put us first. He has apologized over and over. It's your time now; you deserve a father as great as you've given our kids. Though I don't think ANYONE could be a better father than you."

Don choked at her words. "That means the world to me; thank you, baby."

"The kids don't know how damn lucky they are." Meryl sighed.

Don grabbed her free hand to hold it. "In a way, I'm glad they don't. That means they didn't have the kind of childhood I had. Not only in the father department; but the mother department as well."

"Thank you." Meryl smiled. "I know what you mean. They aren't little kids anymore; they're adults, they should know better."

Don nodded. "Their apologies were heart felt, though."

"They should have been." Meryl snapped. "I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you; just the opposite."

Don played with her fingers of her free hand. "I know that. I've forgiven them, sweetheart."

"But you're still hurt." Meryl told him and was met with silence from him which was the affirmation she needed. "My love for them is of course unconditional, and I do forgive them. I also want them to know how lucky we ALL are to have you; and that you should NOT be taken for granted."

Don teased his fingers up her leg. "I know how damn lucky I am to have you."

"I don't think so, mister." Meryl said moving his hand and smiling at him. "At least not yet."


A few minutes later they all arrived at the Browns. Meryl shook her head as the kids were standing by their car talking and Don was trying to unload all the wine, flowers and food he and Meryl brought on behalf of their family. She couldn't help it, but she snapped at them. "Could your father and I get some help, please?"

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