Chapter 19

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The next few days were quiet and restful ones for the Gummers, especially Meryl. Don was constantly making sure she had what she needed and was resting. He didn't go anywhere without her; still worried about the car he believed had followed them to Indianapolis and the phone call she received in the hospital. He didn't want to say something to her and upset her; but that phone call really shook him. He had no idea who it was; but it was becoming clearer and clearer that this person had it out for his wife. He meant what he told Meryl in the hospital-he didn't care who it was, when he found him then he would have to answer to Don. Meryl talked Don into letting his brothers know they were in town. She didn't want his mother to make it look like he didn't want to see them. Don knew she was right and they all had dinner the night after the episodes with Jane. His brothers knew it was about Jane; and they completely understood. It did Meryl's heart good to watch him interact with his brothers all evening. She knew he didn't want her or the kids there for Thanksgiving especially after the incident with Jane; but seeing him with his brothers made her glad they stayed. She just hoped that things would be smooth sailing from here on out. However, considering his family she knew that probably wouldn't happen.


Don woke up on the morning before Thanksgiving and reached for his wife. He frowned that she wasn't in bed with him. He looked at the clock and it was still early. There was no where they had to be until that night. They had already taken care of his work; and he was looking forward to staying in bed that morning with the kids coming in later that day; and not knowing how much time he would have with his wife once they arrived. Don sighed as he got up and threw on a t-shirt with his pajama pants he was already wearing. He wondered through the suite only to find his wife whipping up something in the little kitchenette. He knew she had become a pro at cooking whatever she needed to in small hotel kitchenettes due to shooting on location. He couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was. She hadn't put on make up yet. Her hair was up in a pony tail. She was wearing her purple glasses; and was wearing her pajama bottoms and one of his t-shirts she had slept in. Don breathed a sigh of relief when he saw how good and healthy she was looking; he wanted to make sure  she stayed that way. "Drop the spoon."

"Morning, baby." Meryl laughed as he walked over to her.

Don enjoyed their good morning kiss. " is now. What are you doing up so early?"

"I had to pee." Meryl said making him laugh. "What else is new?"

Don laughed as he cupped her beautiful face in his hand. "Hey, if it means you're healthy then it's worth it. That's all I care about."

"I know." Meryl sighed. "It's worse than when I was pregnant with Lou."

Don laughed; and he knew that was right.  She had to pee constantly with Louisa since it was her 4th baby; but she was going even more on the Lasix. "I thought I said no cooking."

"I'm making those sweet potatoes you like." Meryl smiled.

Don's eyes lit up. "With the bourbon and marshmallows?"

"Just for you, Don Man." Meryl winked with a kiss to his lips.

Don nodded. "Nothing else; I mean it, Meryl."

"Don, we can't show up to your mother's tonight and tomorrow empty handed." Meryl sighed.

Don shook his head as he rubbed her neck. "We won't; I said we would supply all the wine and beer. With this crew that's a small fortune. If we find something is needed we can pick it up at the store."

"Prepackaged?" Meryl asked in horror.

Don winked at her. "You're Mary Streep's daughter; channel her. She would be proud of you for that."

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