Chapter 58

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The next few weeks were busy ones for Don and Meryl with all the award shows. They first flew to LA for the SAG Awards, then to London for the Bafta Awards then to Germany for the Berlinale. Don was incredibly proud of his wife's work in The Iron Lady, and was beyond happy for her and all the buzz she was getting, but he worried about her stamina and the baby. In only a few short weeks they were flying back to LA for The Oscars. She was then able to get shooting for her scenes for her upcoming movie August Osage County  moved up citing family reasons. She was due to shoot that movie beginning her last 2 months of the pregnancy and so she was thrilled when the studio also wanted to move up shooting. So far, they were doing a pretty good job of hiding the pregnancy, they just wondered how much longer they could keep it up. Now that they were home for more than a few days, Don hoped he would be able to keep his wife down and resting.


Don and Meryl had just returned home the previous night; and after starting laundry, Don had joined his wife back in bed for a late morning nap. Don was exhausted from flying him and Meryl all over, plus trying to work and also worrying about her; but he knew it was nowhere near the exhaustion Meryl felt with having to pretend she was feeling wonderful while putting up with her awful morning sickness and the stress of the awards. Don groaned when he heard his cell phone ring and just what he didn't want to happen, happened: his wife woke up. "Don?"

"I'll take it in the other room, Darl." Don whispered.

Meryl shook her head as she snuggled up to him while he reached for his phone. "No. Stay."

"Okay." Don laughed with a kiss to her head as he answered the phone, quietly. "Hello?"

Brad was surprised that Don sounded like he had been asleep. "Don? Did I wake you up?"

"We were just resting." Don said. "Trying to figure out what time zone we are in."

Brad laughed at his son knowing how much they were traveling. "I'm sorry, I know it's been a busy few weeks; that's why I waited until now to call."

"It's really fine, Dad." Don said as Meryl opened one eye and smiled at him. He knew how it made her happy when he would talk to Brad. "What's up?"

Brad smiled as he stood in the home he just bought. "Well, I was hoping you and the whole family could come out this weekend. I am planning on proposing at the lake house."

"Lake house?" Don asked confused. "What lake house?"

Brad smiled larger. "Well, I got quite the settlement from the military after everything that happened and I bought a lake house for the entire family on Geist Lake."

"Wow." Don smiled. "I love that lake."

Brad laughed. "I always have as well. Anyways, I would like the whole family here; as many as possible. I am coordinating with your brothers and their families."

"You want us to come out this weekend?" Don asked as Meryl sat up and looked at him. "I might be able to get the kids there, I don't know about me and Meryl."

Meryl smacked her husband. "If he wants you there then you'll be there."

"What about you?" Don asked.

Meryl took the phone out of his hand. "Hi, Brad."

"Hi, sweetie." Brad laughed when he heard his daughter-in-law's voice. "How you feeling?"

Meryl laughed. "At the moment not too bad. One way or another Don will be there. We will be there. I don't know how many of the kids we'll get there but we will try; here's Don."

"Well, you heard her." Don laughed. "What's the occasion? I mean February in Indiana on a lake..."

Brad laughed at his son who must be shocked since he already told him he was planning on proposing. "True. I am proposing to your mother this weekend."

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