Chapter 48

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The medications for Meryl's gestational diabetes and the extra fluid was just what she needed to get back on her feet. She was also eating little amounts but often which was helping with her severe morning sickness. It definitely wasn't a cure all; but she was feeling more like herself which was also a great relief to her husband. Since she was in the hospital for her first prenatal appointment; her doctor came to see her in the hospital. She said that everything was progressing like it should now that Meryl was on the right track. Dr. Taylor told Don and Meryl that since she was high risk that she wanted to see her every two weeks. She even said that she could travel knowing Don would be flying her; and he said he would know where the hospitals were and get her attention if needed. The doctor told them not to change their lives; but to be more cautious this time around. She also told them that sexual activity was fine; but Meryl saw the hesitancy in Don's eyes which melted her heart. It didn't matter if it was the first pregnancy, or the seventh, she and their babies were always priority over himself and his needs. Since they were only in the hospital for a few days they were able to keep it from the kids and family, other than Brad, saying they were escaping town for a few days so she could rest. There were no questions to which they were relieved about. They just needed to get through the next few months that were crazy anyway, the months that were known as the awards train.


It was a few days before they were due to fly out to LA for The Golden Globes; and almost two weeks since Meryl had seen her OBGYN in the hospital and so Don insisted Meryl go to the doctor before they flew to LA. Meryl was laid back on the examination table in a gown with a blanket draped over her thighs with her feet in the stirrups when Dr. Taylor came in. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better." Meryl smiled.

Don nodded when Dr. Taylor looked at him. "She is eating a little more and not as nauseous or exhausted. Her color is much better."

"It is." Dr. Taylor said while looking at Meryl's file. "You have even gained some weight."

Don felt relieved hearing that. "That's good; isn't it?"

"Very good." The doctor smiled.

Meryl rolled her eyes. "And so it begins."

"You look amazing." Don said kissing her hand. "You always lose it anyways."

Meryl shook her head. "Except for Henry. I've never lost the weight from that boy."

"He's out of the wills then." Don winked making her laugh.

The doctor went down between Meryl's legs. "Okay Meryl, I'm just going to feel around."

"You okay, Darl?" Don asked her.

Meryl nodded as she kissed his hand. "Just fine, baby."

"Now, we usually don't do ultrasounds this early; but how would you like to hear your baby's heartbeat?" Dr. Taylor asked.

Meryl's face lit up. "Really? Isn't it too soon?"

"She's not even 6 weeks yet." Don said.

Dr. Taylor got a new instrument. "How long has it been since you've had a baby?"

"Twenty years." Meryl laughed.

Dr. Taylor smiled. "Technology has change a bit. This is a vaginal ultrasound and we should be able to hear the heartbeat. Here we go!"

"Don!" Meryl squeezed his hand as tears appeared in her eyes. "That's it."

Don was relieved beyond words. He felt that he could erupt in tears of relief but didn't want to do that there and then. "Our baby. Everything really is okay?"

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