Chapter 79

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Don and Meryl were still laying in Don's hospital bed when Dr. Abbott walked in. "And what are you two doing in bed together?"

"I didn't touch her." Don teased raising his hands.

Meryl laughed as she sat up. "We are married, Hal."

"Oh, we all know that; trust me." Dr. Abbott laughed. "I meant shouldn't you be home in bed. I assured you when we talked last night that he was fine."

Meryl smiled at their doctor and friend. "I know you did; you both wanted me to rest and I rest better with him."

"Truth is I do too." Don laughed. "I know, after 34 years we're still disgusting."

Dr. Abbott shook his head. "After 34 years you're an inspiration."

"Thank you." Meryl smiled. "When can I take him home?"

Don winked at her. "I promised to get her into bed."

"Donald!" Meryl laughed smacking him. "I do hope you mean to sleep."

Dr. Abbott was used to this from his favorite couple. "Your blood sugar is coming up. Remember to eat small meals often. Your blood pressure is much better."

"Thank God." Meryl breathed in relief. "What about the panic?"

Don sighed. "Baby, it comes and goes."

"Don, please remember it's chemical." Meryl sighed. "You need medication just like I need Lasix."

Don nodded. "I'm really okay though; I'm not depressed."

"You both have been under a tremendous amount of stress." Dr. Abbott pointed out. "I want you both to rest as much possible; avoid stress whenever you can. Just take it easy. Don, enjoy this time with Meryl before the baby comes. Don't run yourself ragged. You know, they have these people who will clean your apartment and these markets that deliver food and ready made wonderful meals."

Don raised his eyebrow. "I feel like I'm being gained up on."

"You are." Meryl laughed. "I will make sure of all of that."

Dr. Abbott nodded. "But you rest as well."

"He will make sure of it." Meryl laughed. "What about his anti-anxiety medication?"

Dr. Abbott gave her a prescription. "A very low dose of Prozac."

"PROZAC?" Don exclaimed.

Meryl sighed. "Sweetheart."

"Don, it's a chemical to balance everything. That's it. You don't need a counselor after our evaluation." Dr. Abbott pointed out. "You're not depressed as you said; you just have this imbalance that we will make sure is balanced. Now, there are some side effects like dizziness, increased appetite, impotence and decrease in sexual drive."

Meryl squeezed Don's hand. "Which is fine if he doesn't have those attacks anymore; I'll watch for the dizziness and I've been worried he hasn't been eating enough anyways."

"Well, the last two won't be a problem." Don said assuredly with great confidence as he winked at his wife. "Not with her around."

Meryl became a deep shade of red at what her husband said in front of their doctor and friend. "Donald Gummer!"

"It's the truth; and you know it." Don winked.

Meryl did know it; she'd have to be dead not to know it. He could always get it up no matter how he was feeling and even in frigid ocean water. "Any special restrictions for him?"

"Yeah, can we still..." Don wiggled his eyebrows.

Meryl rolled her eyes at him. "Seriously? Any special diet or restrictions?"

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