Chapter 46

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The next few days were rough ones for Meryl; and they left Don feeling completely helpless. She was exhausted and nauseous; having her worst battle of morning sickness yet. Don tried everything he knew to try but nothing really helped. Meryl was also trying to hide it from him as much as possible since he said they could go to Larry and Liz's New Year's Eve party as long as she rested until then. She didn't want him to know how shitty she was really feeling. Whenever she would get sick or dry heave she saw the helpless look in his eyes, and knew he felt bad, so she wanted to protect him from it as much as possible; which was almost impossible with him doting on her so much. Meryl was just hoping this morning sickness was short lived.


It was New Year's Eve and Don knew they weren't going to go over to the Browns. Meryl hadn't mentioned anymore about it and he decided not to either; not wanting her to feel bad about missing it. He had just made her some tea and decided to take it up to her and see if she was awake from her nap. He was surprised to find her up and laying out clothes for him to wear. "What are you doing?"

"Just because I can't go over to Liz and Larry's doesn't mean you can't." Meryl said tiredly. "I thought you'd be more comfortable in a cashmere sweater than a suit jacket."

Don set the tea down and shook his head at his wife. Seeing her wobble as she turned to go back to their closet. "Whoa, baby, you need to get back in bed; NOW."

"Don, I'm fine." Meryl protested as he helped her get in bed. "It's just a little morning sickness."

Don felt how clammy she was. "Sweetheart, you have dark circles under your eyes. You're not keeping much down. We need to follow the doctor's orders until we get you into the doctor; and I'm calling them first thing the day after tomorrow. Hopefully your doctor will be back in the office then. Here, try some of this tea."

"Thanks." Meryl said giving him a weak smile. "Will you tell Liz and Larry I'm sorry I couldn't go? Oh, and give Henry and Suze hugs from me."

Don looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm not going."

"Don." Meryl sighed.

Don shook his head as he went into the bathroom and got her a cold cloth and then put it on her head. "There's no way in hell I am leaving you for some stupid party. We're in this together, Mary Louise, just like before."

"We were supposed to have fun this year. Last year we couldn't go out because you were recovering and then your mother was here." Meryl pointed out.

Don sighed. "You mean when she fucking sent you to the hospital?"

"You took care of me just like always." Meryl said stroking his cheek. "That's why I want you to have fun this year."

Don ran his fingers through her hair. "I am going to have fun because I'll be with you."

"Watching me sleep and get sick?" Meryl asked.

Don winked at her. "Who said romance is dead after 33 years?"

"Don Man." Meryl said feeling bad.

Don placed a finger to her lips. "It's settled. Besides, I texted Larry earlier in the day to say we weren't coming. You need to rest; and I need and want to be with you."

"I'm damn lucky to have you." Meryl said kissing his hand. "Thank you, baby."

Don shook his head. "I'm the lucky one."

"Well, if we're staying in." Meryl said starting to get up.

Don gently pushed her down. "What are you doing?"

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