Chapter 3

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After Don got Meryl good and relaxed, he took her into the bedroom and made slow and passionate love to her. After their tender and passionate session of lovemaking, they curled up and fell asleep even though it was still early for them. Not long after they fell asleep they were awakened by the sound of Meryl's cell phone ringing where she had placed it on Don's bedside table after the call from Louisa. "Make them go away."

"Go back to sleep, Darl." Don said with a kiss to her head and sighed when he saw it was his mother. "I'll take care of it."

"Hurry back." Meryl said sleepily as she cuddled up to his pillow.

Don smiled as he made his way into the sitting room after throwing on his pajama pants. He wasn't happy it was his Mom who interrupted his blissful sleep with his wife warm and cuddled into his arms. He was trying really hard with his mom while still trying to work out all his feelings. "What is it, Mom?"

"There you are! Why weren't you answering my calls on your phone?" Jane asked worriedly.

Don shook his head as he sat down in a chair in the sitting room; he didn't even know where his phone was. "I think it's charging somewhere."

"Why did you two leave so early?" Jane asked.

Don ran his hand threw his hair. "It was a long day, Mom; we'll be here for several more days. While we are trying to spend as much time with the family I am also here for work."

"Donald, what's going on with you and Meryl?" Jane asked.

Don hoped she didn't know about the drugging. "What are you talking about, Mom?"

"Your brothers are asking questions. They said you've been really withdrawn for months-on the phone, at Mamie's wedding, and then since you've been here. Some of their wives saw Meryl practically run out to your father's grave, and you out there with her. I honestly don't know what goes on in that woman's head sometimes. Does the want them to know and make me look bad in the process? She's says she loves you, but by acting that way..." Jane was rambling.

That was Don's breaking point. He had heard enough and he was done letting this shit slide. "STOP...DON'T...ENOUGH! You damn well know how much Meryl loves me and this whole family. Every decision we have ever made we have made with each other's, our children's and our families best interests at heart. Meryl has been nothing but amazing and supportive through all this; not only to me, but to you as well. And to be honest, Mother, with the way you have treated her she didn't have to be but that's the kind of woman she is. Don't you forget that I'm not the only one James, not my father, JAMES, hurt. He hurt her a lot, and the affects it's having on me is affecting her as well. She loves me like no one else ever has or ever will, and she had some things to say to him. Don't you dare blame her for anything; you think she likes that ANY of this is going on? Of course not, Mother."

"Don." Jane began as she knew she had probably pushed him too far but she needed to talk to him. "I want to tell your brothers, well the whole family."

Don was shocked. "By the whole family you mean..."

"Everyone." Jane stated. "Grandkids included."

Don was uncomfortable with what his mother was saying and proposing. "It is obviously your story to tell YOUR children; but not mine. I want to talk to Meryl before I decide anything regarding OUR children."

"What does Meryl have to do with anything?" Jane asked exasperated.

Don sighed. "Meryl is my wife; what affects me and our children affects her. I would never dream of making a decision like this without her. These are her children's lives you are suggesting turning upside down as well. We are a partnership, even if the kids are all grown, we always will be. Not only does it affect her, but I tell her everything."

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