Chapter 85

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"Here, hun." Henry said helping Susie into his father's Lexus SUV. "You doing okay?"

Susie was breathing through the pain. "A human being is trying to make it's way out of my body."

"But you're beautiful." Henry winked making Susie laugh.

Susie pulled Henry to her as she crushed her lips to his. "You are the only one I EVER wanted to go through this with."

"Me too, babe." Henry said getting in the back next to her.

Meryl looked at Don from the passenger's seat with tears in her eyes. "Don."

"Yeah." Don said kissing her hand. "That was us 32 years ago; and will be again."

Meryl grabbed a water bottle she had in the front of Don's car and gave it to Henry. "Susie sweetie, you need to drink."

"Are we ready?" Don asked looking back to make sure that everyone was buckled.

Henry looked at Susie as he opened the bottle of water and gave it to her. "You ready?"

"Let's have this baby girl." Susie gritted through her teeth as she clutched Henry's hand. "Aunt Meryl can you..."

Meryl already had her phone out. "I'm dialing your mom right now, sweetie."

"Hang on." Don said weaving through traffic. "I'll get you there just as soon as I can, Susie girl."

Meryl looked back at Susie and smiled. "You're doing good, Suze. Liz?"

"Meryl!" Liz said excitedly.

Meryl laughed at the excitement in her friend's voice. "Do you know why I'm calling?"

"I hope it's for the reason I think it is." Liz said hearing her friend laugh on the other end of the phone. "Are we about to become grandmas?"

Meryl beamed as she looked at Don and how he was working so hard to get them to the hospital as soon as possible. "It looks that way. We were over at the kids' place; and Suze and I were talking when she was having some pretty strong contractions so we watched it for awhile."

"Mom?!" Henry yelled from the backseat. "How long?"

Don looked back and winked at Henry and then turned his attention back to traffic. "She's been through this a few times, Hen; she knows what she's doing."

"I thought this might happen after talking to her this morning." Liz said. "Water break?"

Meryl smiled as she nodded. "It did. She was afraid it was false labor again until they got stronger; and just as I was about to go get Don and Henry her water broke."

"See?" Susie winked at Henry. "I was in good hands."

Henry nodded as wiped her forehead. "You were; we both were."

"Don and I are taking them to the hospital." Meryl smiled at Don. "Grandpa Gummer is doing a good job at fighting traffic."

Liz laughed as she pictured it. "I'm sure. I'm going to call Larry and we'll be there as soon as possible. Meryl, take care of my baby girl?"

"She's always been ours as well." Meryl looked back at Susie and winked. "I promise; see you soon."

Susie was gripping Henry's hand as he was helping her through another contraction. "My parents coming?"

"Your mom is calling your dad and they will meet us there as soon as they can, Suze." Meryl reached around to grab Susie's other hand. "In the meantime you'll have to settle for us."

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