Chapter 29

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Don and Meryl finally pulled into their parking garage in Tribecca the next night after dropping things off at Don's Brooklyn studio. With the help of their doorman they were able to get everything back up to their apartment in one trip. They quickly unpacked and changed into their comfy clothes. While Meryl started the laundry Don checked their messages and paid their bills. He was surprised to hear the doorbell in the apartment as he made his way down the stairs. His face lit up when he saw his wife had soda and plates on the coffee table in the living room and was setting out a delivery from one of his favorite places. "What's this?"

"Saluggi's." Meryl smiled at him as he walked over to her. "Your favorite pizza."

Don looked at the TV and saw she had turned on Big Bang Theory. "My favorite pizza, my favorite soda, my favorite TV show and most importantly."

"Your favorite girl?" Meryl smirked knowing what he was going to say.

Don nodded as he gently kissed her lips. "Thank you, Darl. What's all this about? I thought we were just going to have sandwiches or something."

"It's been a fun week, but also a really hard one. You have driven over 1500 miles. I know next weekend is going to be focused on me; and so I wanted to focus on you." Meryl smiled.

Don tenderly tucked her hair behind her ear. "You always do focus on me."

"Here, sit." Meryl said pushing him down on the sofa as she gave him a plate of salad and pizza.

Don waited for her to fix her plate and then sit down. "This sure is nice after the past week. Just us in our apartment eating take out."

"It sure is." Meryl smiled. "That is ALL we are doing tonight."


After eating supper and cleaning up Don and Meryl continued to watch television on their couch. They were laid so Meryl was spooned up against Don's front. Don reached behind them and grabbed the blanket that was on the back of the couch, covering them both with it. He was stroking her body with his hand while her fingers were thread in his hair, stroking it. Meryl sighed in contentment. "This is nice."

"It sure is." Don said with a kiss to her neck. "I say we stay just like this."

Meryl giggled. "You're the one who keeps telling me we have big plans this next weekend."

"Yeah." Don said holding her tighter. "I just really like this after the past week. I am exhausted."

Meryl nodded. "I would have driven, sweetheart."

"I didn't mind." Don said. "Besides, I liked your attention while I drove."

Meryl laughed as she shook her head. "My typical Don Man."

"You want me to change." Don asked knowing the answer before he even finished asking the question.

Meryl turned her head so she could kiss him. "NEVER EVER."

"You better not either." Don said kissing her this time.

They spent the rest of the evening on the couch watching TV and eventually falling asleep on the couch. Neither of them cared they weren't in their bed. What was most important to them was that they were together. That was all that ever truly mattered to them.


A few days later, on Wednesday, Don and Meryl were packing for Washington DC.  Don smirked when he saw her run out of the room to get something and his eyes focused on the garment bags hanging on the bathroom door. He knew they were her dresses for both events for the weekend. They had a dinner and reception at The White House on Friday night with the recognition, award and show on Saturday night. Which meant he would get to see her in two different dresses. He looked around and made his way to the first garment bag, unzipping it until he heard his wife's voice. "Don't you dare unzip that bag, Donald Gummer."

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