Chapter 53

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Don woke up the next morning, well not really woke up as he never really slept, and breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the monitors and saw that his wife and their baby were both alright. He smiled that she hadn't let go of his hand all night; that smile then turned to a frown when he saw the bruises on her wrists, bruises that shouldn't be there. He was glad that she seemed to be in a somewhat restful sleep. He insisted on sleeping in the recliner next to her bad; though trying to sleep seemed futile. She wanted him to sleep in the bed next with her but he was afraid of getting in the way of the monitors and machines. Don held her hand and looked down at her wrist getting upset all over again. He had NO idea why the nurses tied her down and sedated her, and as severely as they did. Of course she was upset, she had lost a baby, they should have comforted her and not sedate her to the point she was in a catatonic state. Don wasn't going to let this go. He leaned down and kissed her wrists just as he felt her stirring then heard her voice. "Don?"

"Hey, baby." Don said with a tender kiss to her lips. "I'm right here."

Meryl gave him a tired and somewhat still drugged smile. "I'm glad; thank you for staying with me."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else." Don said not realizing how tired he looked. "How's my girl?"

Meryl laid her head back. "I feel exhausted and like I can't sleep enough."

"It's probably that fucking drug you were given." Don said shaking his head. "How do your arms and legs feel today?"

Meryl tried to lift her arms and move her legs. "Still pretty heavy."

"Then I'll just have to be your arms and legs." Don winked.

Meryl stroked his hand with her fingers. "I'm worried about you; did you sleep?"

"Would you believe me if I said yes?" Don asked as she shook her head. "I took naps. I was more worried about you."

Meryl lifted his hand to her lips. "Well, I'm worried about you."

"Always our predicament." Don winked as she laughed. "I'll sleep better once we get you home and get the results of your tests; and I'm sure you will as well."

Meryl squeezed his hand. "You promise you will rest with me?"

"I promise, sweetheart." Don said trying to keep her calm.

Meryl smiled at him. "That was pretty nice of Brad to come."

"Kind of strange." Don couldn't help but laugh.

Meryl raised her eyebrow at him. "What do you mean strange?"

"I'm not used to my family coming to support me; to support us." Don said honestly. "It's usually your family."

His words hurt Meryl's heart. "First of all, my family is REALLY OUR family. Second of all, your family is OUR family as well and I'm so glad you FINALLY have the father you deserve. Though, I'm sorry you were so upset; I'm just so grateful he was there for you to talk to."

"He called at a bad time. I had just gotten back and found you tied up, bloody and bruised, and in a catatonic state. I had also just gone off on Dr. Abbott and the nurses." Don said honestly. "I was sitting here waiting for you to wake up. I'm not sure if I had ever felt so alone; aside from when you and Henry were taken."

Meryl thought about how this was the second time in a month he had mentioned feeling so alone when she and Henry were kidnapped and she hated that; she also hated it that he felt that way the day before. "It sounds to me like he called at the perfect time. I'm sorry all that happened."

"No." Don said strongly as he kissed her lips. "You did NOTHING to apologize for. You are the one who should be given an apology. I want to sue."

Meryl sighed. "Baby, I'm okay."

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