Chapter 37

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The next couple days were tense ones for the Gummers. They had planned on going out to Connecticut that week which they did; but Don insisted they take separate cars. He thought being in Connecticut would be good because he would have more space to think; but also get himself in shape for his wife. If he wasn't swimming, running or working out with the weights in their home gym then he was out in his studio working. He left the house before Meryl got up and came back in after she was in bed. He was sleeping in the spare bedroom. They weren't texting or calling each other. The stress of the situation was getting to Meryl with her constantly being nauseous and not sleeping. Whenever they did talk it just ended up with them fighting over stupid little things. Meryl knew he was in a  mood but she hoped that would all change after his party on Saturday. She knew then he would see what she meant to him and hopefully that would make things better. Though, she couldn't escape the feeling that she was losing her husband and to another woman.


Meryl just couldn't get her stomach to settle down. She knew it was because of the tension between her and her husband; and she also thought it was because she was trying to make everything perfect for her husband for his 65th birthday. She wanted to do some last minute checking on things and went to the office to get on her computer surprised to see her husband opening her MacBook. "What are you doing in here?"

"I have to do some billing and I guess mine's fried." Don answered simply.

Meryl quickly went over to him and took the MacBook from his hands. Not wanting him to see her email up and messages about his party. "It's my MacBook, Don."

"Right." Don said getting up. "I guess our sense of shared everything isn't what it used to be."

That was it for Meryl. "You want to talk about our sense of shared everything, Don? How about our sharing what we're feeling and COMMUNICATING with each other. You won't speak to me. Hell, you will barely look at me. We have an amazing time in DC, come back, and you won't even fucking touch me."

"Why don't you tell me, Meryl? You fucking started this?" Don yelled storming out of the office.

Meryl followed him down the stairs. "Started what? I don't know what the hell this is?"

"You being secretive all of a sudden. Freaking out if I touch your phone or computer. Having secrets conversations on the phone about keeping things from me." Don blew up. "Who is he? Nicholson? Brosnan? Who are you spreading your legs for because it sure as fuck isn't me anymore."

Meryl exploded and slapped him hard across the face. "You bastard! How fucking dare you! You think I'M the one having an affair? What about you, Don?"

"Me?!" Don laughed. "All I've ever fucking done is worship the ground you walk on. Support you. Put my fucking life on hold for you and the children. You're the one that uses me!"

Meryl ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "YOU, Don, YOU'RE the one who won't talk to me. Who won't touch me. You're the one sleeping in a different room. Insisting we take separate cars out here. You're the one CONTINUALLY working out. Why? It sure as hell isn't for me since you won't even LOOK at me."

"I was fucking doing it FOR you." Don exploded.

Meryl laughed through her tears. "Why? You never have before."

"Yeah, I know I'm disgusting. I'm fat. Losing my hair. Just a fucking accessory for you." Don yelled.

That was Meryl's breaking point. "After giving myself to you, and ONLY you, for 33 years we are seriously back to that? If that's what you seriously think about me then get the fuck out, Donald. Why stay around if I am such a bitch and treat you like shit? If our life together is so awful. Maybe you can go satisfy another woman since you don't satisfy me anymore."

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