Chapter 81

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The next morning Don went into the kitchen where Meryl was and snuck behind her, kissing her neck. He couldn't stand that she thought he didn't want her. Meryl smiled as her hand went to cup the back of his head. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, baby." Don said turning her around and kissing her lips. "I'll be back in a little bit; I just want you to rest. Can I bring you back anything?"

Meryl looked at him in surprise. "Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend the day together."

"I won't be gone long, Darl; it was a long day yesterday and I want you to rest." Don said lifting her chin to kiss her lips. "I called Hal's office and he can get me right in. I'm going to get this taken care of."

Meryl sighed as she stroked his cheek. "I just want you to feel better; that's all that matters to me. Let me put on my shoes and I'll go with you."

"Baby, this is embarrassing." He sighed. "There are some things I just need to do alone; and this is one of them. I want you to relax and not worry. I'll bring back lunch and we can spend the rest of the day together."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips as she looked in his eyes. "This incredibly gorgeous and insanely intelligent man, who I happen to be madly in love with, has told me MANY times that being married means you never have to go through anything alone."

"Whose that bastard that stole your heart?" Don wanted to make her laugh and he succeeded as he winked at her. "Baby, I don't want to put you through that; I've put you through enough."

Meryl shook her head as she ran her finger over the mole under his right eye. "You haven't put me through anything, my Don Man; it will be harder on me if I stayed here."

"Go get your shoes and I'll wait here." Don said seeing a huge smile on her face. "Then I'm taking you out for some lunch."


Don and Meryl were sitting in the exam room side by side, with Meryl holding Don's hand. "Baby?"

"Yeah, Darl." Don said turning to her. "You okay?"

Meryl nodded as she sighed. "I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you yesterday; and totally misreading the signals. It's just with the baby and my hormones and..."

"Stop." Don shook his head as he tenderly kissed her lips. "You have no reason to apologize. NONE of this is your fault. I'm just sorry it's affected you, us."

Meryl shook her head as she kissed his hand. "We won't let it; we're in this together baby, always."

"I'm glad." Don said winking at her as the door opened. "Hi, Dr. Abbott."

Dr. Abbott wasn't looking forward to this conversation. "Hi, you two. Don, I'm glad you called. I was going to call you today and have you come in anyways."

"You have to switch my medicine, Hal." Don sighed. "It is making me feel ten times worse than I was feeling before. It's not worth it."

Meryl sighed as she stroke his hand. "I knew we needed to wait until his body got used to it; but it is altering who he is."

"I think I know what's going on; but Don tell me how you've been feeling." Dr. Abbott began. "I see you've lost weight since last week."

Don looked at Meryl who nodded and kissed his hand. "Be completely honest, babe."

"Okay." Don sighed. "I am constantly dizzy and nauseous; nothing tastes good and there's only certain things I can keep down. I literally can't keep my eyes open. I try; but I can't. The breaking point for me was falling asleep during an ultrasound with Meryl and the baby yesterday. That's not me. I am feeling so down and emotional. I wasn't like this before. I don't feel like me anymore; and that really scares me. Also, some certain appendages aren't working like they used to."

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