Chapter 83

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Don and Meryl rushed into the hospital hand in hand; Don was so excited that Meryl couldn't keep up with him. She finally dropped his hand and stopped so she could catch her breath. Don immediately noticed his wife wasn't with him and was trying to catch her breath. He immediately went over to her and cupped her cheek. "Darl, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"4 months pregnant and 62." Meryl smiled. "I just couldn't keep up."

Don got a sheepish smile on his face as he tenderly kissed her cheek. "Sorry."

"I'm excited too." Meryl smiled now that she caught her breath then held her hand out to him. "Okay, I'm better."

Don nodded as he took her hand in his and kissed it. "You set the pace."

"Have you heard from Larry or anything?" Meryl asked as they made their way into the elevator and up to the maternity floor. "I'm surprised Liz hasn't texted or anything."

Don laughed; he and Larry teased that they didn't know who was more excited, Liz or Meryl. "I'm sure they're here. All Henry said on the phone was that she was having contractions; and that they were in a cab on the way here. I hate to break it to you, but I'm sure Liz and Larry were their first call."

"As they should have been." Meryl laughed.

Don turned to her in the elevator. "Biology doesn't matter."

"I agree, baby." Meryl said as she got on her tip toes to kiss his lips. She knew he was sensitive about that; and she NEVER wanted anyone to think they loved this baby any less because of biology. "We are as much Lillian's grandparents as Larry and Liz. I can't wait to smother that perfect little bundle with kisses."

Don winked at her as they got off the elevator. "We ALL know that."

"Mamie?" Meryl asked as they saw their daughter in the waiting area. "What are you doing here?"

Don smiled at their daughter and was happy she smiled back. "Hey, Mamie girl. Don't you have a show tonight?"

"I have time before I need to be back at the theater." Mamie said looking at her watch. "I told Henry I would wait for everyone then I need to get going. Grace will be here as soon as she finishes for the day. Uncle Larry went to get Aunt Liz so they'll be here soon. Of course, Lou wants hourly updates."

Meryl laughed as she and Don sat down. "Of course she does. Any word from Henry?"

"They are checking her out is all I know." Mamie said.

Don nodded as he reached for his daughter's hand. "Sweetheart, I'm glad it's just us for a minute. Listen, I'm not going to apologize for trying to protect you but I shouldn't have exploded; I am just very worried about you. Mary Willa, no matter how old you get you will always be my little girl."

"I know, Daddy." Mamie smiled. "I know you're worried."

Don sighed. "I am. I don't want this for you, sweetheart; I've been divorced. I never wanted that for you kids. It was such an awful marriage I never wanted to get married or have children; however, that divorce was the BEST thing to EVER happen to me."

"I'm glad." Meryl winked knowing Don meant he then met her, the love of his life.

Don winked back at her. "My marriage to Peggy was a HUGE mistake. I know I didn't love Peggy like you do Ben; I didn't really love her at all. I don't know what it's like to be treated the way you have been, to have the person I am committed fully to commit adultery and betray me. I do know what it's like to love your partner with every fiber of your being and to make all these plans together; I can't imagine what it would feel like if that rug was ripped out from under me-which I know is how you are feeling right now. All of this to say is I just want the absolute best for you. I want you to be treated like an equal and cherished partner. I want you to be happy. I want you to smile and laugh again; which you haven't in such a long time, Mames. I shouldn't have said that about him hurting your mother and insinuating you don't care, I know how much you care and love us; but I am not sorry for trying to protect all of you. I don't want him to lay one finger on you. I will protect all of you until my last breath. All your mother and I want is for you to be safe and happy. I also want you to know that no matter what, we will ALWAYS be here for you. You got that?"

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