Chapter 71

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The next night Meryl couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning. Every time she did she could feel Don move in the bed next to her. She didn't want both of them to be sleep deprived for the amniocentesis the next day so she decided to go get some warm milk to hopefully help her sleep; since she couldn't take anything else. She carefully got up out of bed, grabbed her robe and headed downstairs.


Don knew immediately when his wife was no longer in bed next to him. The balance in bed was just off. He didn't sleep as well when she wasn't next to him; especially since she was pregnant again, as he was constantly worried about her and the baby. He looked at the clock and saw that it was barely after midnight. He looked towards the bathroom and the light was off so he knew she wasn't in there getting sick. He couldn't believe he didn't hear her getting up out of bed. He felt every time she moved; especially that night as he really wasn't sleeping either. He knew how worried she was about the next day; he was too. Neither of them had said that to the other; and he figured there was no time like the present to talk. He got out of bed, grabbed his robe and went in search of his wife.


When Meryl headed back upstairs with her mug of warm milk, thinking she could watch TV in the upstairs den, she stopped when she saw what would be the baby's room. She smiled at how Don was already starting on getting the nursery ready though they had another 6 months. She sat down in the rocker glider and put her hands on her stomach that sheltered her baby. "Hey there, baby Gummer. Your daddy and I love you so much; we want you more than you can imagine. Now, we are old, it's true; but it doesn't change how you are and will be our world. It doesn't change the fact that no matter what happens that we will give you the world. No matter what life deals us you will have the same opportunities as every other baby. We love you so much and can't wait to meet you; just stay in there where you're safe and protected for as long as possible."


Don smiled softly when he found his wife in the rocking glider in what would be their baby's room. His heart hurt when the moonlight from the windows shone on her face revealing her tears to him. He also worried that she didn't seem to know he had entered the room; she just sat there in the glider, rubbing her pregnant belly with silent tears streaming down her face as she looked out the windows. Don went over to her and held his hand out. "Room in that glider for one more?"

"Always." Meryl tried to get out.

Don sat down in the glider, pulling her to sit down in his lap, wrapping his arms around her, massaging her stomach as she broke down in tears. "Let it out, baby."

"I'm so...scared...Don." Meryl sobbed into his neck.

Don cradled her as close to him as possible; trying to comfort her. "Tell me, talk to me."

"I want our baby so much; so damn much." She cried. "I feel like I can devote more time to you and the baby now."

Don was kissing her head over and over. "You are the master at balancing work, marriage and children; you always have been. This baby is another chance for us to raise another baby together; which I love doing."

"Me too." Meryl cried. "I want everything to be okay, Don; I'm so scared."

Don couldn't help the tears that appeared in his own eyes. "I want this baby and you more than anything; I want you BOTH to be okay. I NEED you both to be okay; I NEED that more than anything. I'm scared too, baby; I'm scared that something will happen to both of you. However, I can't let that fear run my life; our life. If I let that fear dictate our lives then I will miss out on precious time with you and our baby. I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen."

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