Chapter 36

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"Baby?" Don yelled. "Are you ready?"

Meryl came out of the bedroom with her last bag. "I think that's everything."

"The kids are meeting us downstairs." Don said putting her coat on her. "Larry's plane and pilot is waiting for us."

Meryl smiled. "That was nice of Larry. I'm glad we will all be going back together."

"Me too." Don winked. "No more empty nest for awhile."

Meryl laughed knowing he meant the fact that Louisa was home for winter break. "It will be nice having her home which means the others will be coming over more."

"No more ogling your ass for me for awhile." Don teased her.

Meryl shook her head as she tenderly kissed his lips. "Says who? You better."

"Yes, ma'am." Don winked as he grabbed the bags.

Meryl went over to the beautiful flowers he had waiting for her their first night in DC.  "My flowers."

"Sweetheart, we can't exactly take them on the plane." Don said. "I'll get you more."

Meryl shook her head. "These are special."

"Here." Don said grabbing a paper towel. "Put a few in there and we'll press them when we get home. How's that?"

Meryl smiled as she put a few of the flowers in-between the paper towel then put it in her purse. "Perfect. Let's go home, Mr. Gummer."


"Okay, I need to talk to you all." Meryl said as they were flying back to New York and Don had excused himself to use the bathroom.

Louisa decided to tease her mother. "Is this about Dad's obsession with your ass?"

"Do we need to set the young man down and talk to him?" Henry joined in.

Meryl shook her head, ignoring their children. "It's about your father's birthday."

"Isn't the premiere that night?" Grace asked.

Mamie was looking at her calendar. "We're all going to be there."

"I'm planning on it." Ben said.

Susie nodded. "Hen and I will be there."

"Good; and I've already got all of your tickets." Meryl said. "I would like for the 8 of us to go out for dessert or something after so we do something on the day. I'm planning a surprise party for him next Saturday in Connecticut. I know it's short notice."

They all shook their heads when Henry spoke up. "We'll be there."

"I did tell your grandmother and she and Brad will be there." Meryl said.

Grace was surprised. "Has Dad ever spent his birthday with Grandmother?"

"Not since he was a little boy and then it wasn't good; his birthday was barely acknowledged." Meryl sighed. "That's why I want to do this up big time. Not only is it his 65th; but he now has his real father. I want it to be one he'll remember. Maggie and Mike are even coming. I made the calls this morning while he was in the shower."

Susie started laughing and looked at Henry. "That's why they called us this morning and said they wanted to visit next weekend."

"Your parents will be there as well as Third, Maeve, Dana, Mary and families. I'm still waiting to hear from your other uncles. Roy is in." Meryl went through the list.

Ben laughed. "You don't waste time."

"I want it to be perfect." Meryl said.

Henry nodded. "Just let us know what you want or need for us to do."

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