Chapter 65

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"She's not answering." Meryl cried as she tried to call Mamie's cell phone...again.

Don helped Meryl out of the chair she was still sitting in. "She obviously needed space since she left without telling us; and we need to give it to her. Come on."

"What are we doing?" Meryl sniffled as Don led her into their bedroom.

Don gently pushed her down on the bed and took off her shoes. "You are resting."

"Don, our world is exploding." Meryl sighed. "I can't rest."

Don bent down and placed a long and loving kiss on her lips then on her forehead. "You can; and you will."

"Don, I need to fix what I caused." Meryl said trying to sit up.

Don shook his head as he got in bed behind her and held her close; kissing her neck and rubbing her belly. He started to whisper in her ear. "You did not cause ANYTHING, Darl. The kids are being well, kids. BEN caused most of this. I'm kind of proud of what we caused; well, created."

"Me too." Meryl choked. "But it's turned your world upside down."

Don's head hovered over hers as he kissed all over her face. "YOU turned my world upside and you continue to do so everyday; in the best way possible. Baby, I know it's hard but PLEASE try not to worry. Everything will sort out; I know it will."

"Don, the way they talked to you..." Meryl trailed off. "The things they accused you of! Beating me? What the holy fuck, Don?"

Don sighed; it really upset him too but he didn't want her to know how much because he knew it would only upset her all over again. "They saw you all bruised and jumped to conclusions?"

"No fucking excuse." Meryl said turning in his arms.  "Don, you are ALWAYS protecting us. How could they? How can they accuse you of trying to kill me by me getting pregnant."

Don started kissing her over and over to try to calm her down. "I don't know, Darl; but we're not going to think about it or try to figure it out. You need to sleep, my love, so I'm going to sing to you."

"Really?" Meryl asked excitedly. "That does calm me."

Don winked at her as he lifted her sweater; placing tender kisses along her pregnant belly.

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she pretty
Truly the angel's best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I can't believe what God has done
Through us he's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she lovely
Meryl, it could have not been done
Without you who conceived the one
That's so very lovely made from love

Meryl started crying when she remembered Don singing that to Grace once they got to the hospital after Meryl gave birth to Grace in their old Toyota. "I'm sorry, Don Man. I'm so sorry I made you lose your children."

"Baby." Don sighed as he looked up and realized Meryl was asleep; or so he thought. He leaned down to talk to her belly; to their baby. "You are one lucky baby; you know that? You have the most amazing mother in the whole world. We both love you more than you can imagine. I'm sorry you had to hear your brother and sisters say those things earlier; I just wish they knew how happy you have already made your mother and me. I have to believe they will. After all, they come from your mother and she is the most amazing mother and wife in the world. I wish she was easier on herself; I wish she knew what she gave to all of us." Don choked as Meryl wiped her tears; unknown to him. "She has saved my life more than I can tell you; and I know she has saved your life. You'll see what I mean when you meet her. You are such a blessing to us and we can't wait to hold you; but we want you as strong as possible. Please be easy on your Mama and don't make her too sick, let her rest and things like that. She and I will do everything we can to make sure you have the most amazing life and shot at everything you could ever want. We will do everything to make sure you are happy and healthy. Thank you for choosing us. We love you, little Gummer." With his wife asleep, or so he thought, he sang a lullaby to their baby.

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