Chapter 21

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"Don." Meryl moaned as her husband was kissing on her neck and was caressing her flat belly under her sweater causing shivers through her whole body; the most delightful kind.

Don grabbed Meryl's legs and wrapped them around his waist as his lips went back to hers. "Relax, baby; it's just us."

"Don Man." Meryl moaned as she felt his hand begin to unzip her jeans. "Sweetheart, we can't."

Don hands started to fondle her breasts underneath her sweater. "Oh yes, we can."

"Baby, I'm serious." Meryl laughed as she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away.

Don pushed his fingers through her open zipper and began to stroke her through her underwear. "So am I."

"Don." Meryl giggled as she successfully pushed him off her and rearranged her clothing. "The WHOLE family is downstairs."

Don sighed as he smoothed out his hair. "I know, I know. I was just scared."

"Scared?" Meryl asked seriously.

Don nodded as he cupped her face in his hands. "Here I find out the psycho that had been targeting you was actually my father and I couldn't find you. You weren't by my side like you usually are when something crazy happens."

"I'm sorry, Don Man." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "The tears came and I needed to think."

Don nodded as he kissed her forehead. "As long as you thinking doesn't take you away from me."

"Never." Meryl said with a tender kiss to his lips. "It's you and me, forever, baby. Fuck anyone who tries to come between us."

Don stood up and pulled her to him. "Damn straight."


Brad had used the restroom and stopped when he heard his 4 grandchildren talking on his way back to the kitchen where Jane was. He stopped when he heard his youngest granddaughter talking to her brother. "Where did you and Mom go? It's unlike her to leave Dad's side; especially with him being as upset as he was and as worried as he has been about her."

"They're always stuck to each other like glue." Mamie said laughing.

Grace jumped in. "Something more is up. Mom wouldn't have left Dad's side during something like that."

"I saw Mom starting to cry and come into the house. I found her in Dad's room playing with her wedding rings." Henry said as the girls nodded.

Mamie knew what that meant. "Which she only does when she's worried about Dad or they've had an argument."

"Which usually means they are soon locked in the bedroom together and we want earplugs." Louisa said puling a grossed out face. Brad tried not to laugh at that comment.

Grace shook her head at her little sister. "Is she okay?"

"You know how much Mom has always wished Dad would have had a decent father, even though they've tried to protect us from Grandpa James even though we all knew what he was like; ever since they found out about him she has always felt that Brad was the father he deserves. Since he obviously has it out for her and hates her, Mom is afraid Dad will feel like he has to choose between her and Brad; she said she would NEVER make him or let him do that." Henry said as Brad started to soften a little bit.

Louisa nodded. "Poor Mom."

"Dad would NEVER let that happen." Mamie said strongly. "They're a unit."

Henry nodded. "I agree; and I told her the same thing. To Dad, there is never a choice; us and Mom come first."

"Always." Ben said strongly. "One of the reasons I respect Don so much."

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