One Off AU\Episode Idea: Oskar the Rock God

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Let me get this off my chest. I hate Oskar. Like, I really hate Oskar. Why? Well...

Actually, no, I'll just copy paste my rant from Amino.

Oskar. Yup, Oskar. I have a lot I wanna get off my chest about him so here we go.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. If you disagree, I totally respect that, and will gladly hear you out. Just don't get angry, OK?

1: I HATE his eyes.

Like, really, they looks so forced and unnatural to me. I preferred Oskar's old design. It looked cool, had a chill vibe going, his eyes clash horribly as they appear to go for a cute/chibi thing. If they wanted that, they should have completely redesigned Oskar. It just feels wrong.

2: He's been dumbed down.

OK, who hasn't noticed this? In the episode when Star rides a bike, he's stupid, yeah, but now, he's 100x dumber. What happened? Did a few months outta school dumb him down that much? I mean, Oskar used to be the likable stupid. Bold, blissfully ignorant, and providing some nice comic relief. Now, he's a shell of that, just painful to watch. Thank God we only got one episode of his redesign.

3: He has so much wasted potential.

As a writer, Oskar hurts my soul. Like, there was so much potential here. They could've done an episode where it's revealed that Oskar's father abandoned him and the only thing he remembers about his father is that his father played the instrument he plays now. (Forgot what it's called.) Or, an episode where he gets the wand and uses it to make awesome music, forcing Star to use her magic without her wand as Marco tries to steal it back, and Ludo's minions attack Oskar. And that's just two bad ideas off the top of my head. (Although, may write them later. Comment if you want me too.) Like, so much potential to make an interesting character, and they go with the bland idiot.

The point is this. Oskar better get out of the story, or a lot of development in the next season, cause right now, he's very annoying. In personality, and looks.

So, after reading that rant, you may be wondering why I'm writing this chapter. Simple, Oskar has immense potential, and this is my attempt to tap into it. The following would take place in season one, but could be adapted to take place elsewhere with some effort and creative tweaks. For now though, I'll keep it simple.

Star and Marco are sitting in class one day, the sun shines through the window. It's a beautiful day outside, and while Marco is busy with his work Star is staring at Oskar, who is skipping class as per usual. 

The bell rings and Marco and Star begin home. Star looks back, but decides to keep walking. That's when Oskar looks up. "Hey," he greets, "magic girl."

"Yeah?" Star asks, turning around, hiding the fact that she's blushing nervously.

"I was just wondering," Oskar inquires, "can other people use your wand?"

"Don't do it Star," Marco warns discreetly, but Star doesn't listen.

"Can I try it?" Oskar asks.

"Uhhh..." Star hesitates for a moment, she knows this is a huge mistake, but, looking at Oskar, she can't say no, "sure, I guess, but only for today."

"Cool," Oskar smiles, taking the wand as Star hands it to him.

Marco face palms so hard, you could sense his disappointment in China.

"Star," he whispers, "what are you doing?"

"Ah come on," she smiles walking away, "what could he do? He's to dumb to figure it out anyways."

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