Inside The Wand Part Two: The Traitors

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Tom, Kelly, and Janna approach the crystal with intense caution, unsure of how Eclipsa will react. 

"Are we sure about this?" Janna ask, "I mean, we don't even know this Eclipsa chick, what if she decides to kill us?"

"If we leave Comet in that wand..." Tom sighs, "she will die. Star, Comet, I don't even know what to call her, but it's safe to assume that she's tainted that wand. If she's in there, and it's tainted, sooner or later, it will kill her. We don't have a choice."

They approach the crystal, examining it, trying to find some way to awaken Eclipsa, but unable to do so.

"Did you even think this through?" Kelly asks.

"Not really," Tom admits, "I mean, Baby texted me about the whole taint thing and I kinda jumped the gun."

"Hold on," Janna smiles, "we can try this."

Janna opens a sack full of illegal fireworks and starts planting them next to the crystal.

"Worth a shot," Kelly shrugs, before Tom and Janna begin to help...

Meanwhile, Toffee sits in his cell, examining his hand missing a finger, originally, that was what the attack was about, but things have changed. He gave up on that finger long ago. He wished only to protect Comet, but now...

"Toffee," River greets, "we need to talk."

"What do you want?" Toffee sighs with his cold demeanor, "this is what you wanted, isn't it? Comet's dead, and I'm next. You finish your genocide. Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Is Moon satisfied? Is her blood lust and hatred for my kind finally quelled, or will it never be enough? You took my kingdom, you wiped out my kind, you almost wiped out monsters, and you've killed my daughter. What else can you take?"

"My dear friend," River replies, "please, don't give up. It's not over yet. You're still alive."

"Aren't we still enemies in the end?" Toffee asks, "isn't that how it is?"

"I..." River hesitates, knowing Toffee's right. He could have fought Moon, but he didn't. He never tried stopping her, he's just as guilty if not more.

"My daughter is dead," Toffee explains, "I raised her, not as a weapon, not because she had some power or because she had the wand, but because I cared about her, but now she's gone. Everything we've worked towards is gone. Moon shall finish her genocide. Are you happy now, old friend?"

River remains silent.

Toffee loses his cool and slams his fist on the wall of his cell facing River, "ARE YOU HAPPY YOU AND MOON KILLED HER!?! WAS IT WORTH IT!?! ANSWER ME!"

River turns away and asks, "was cursing her worth it?"

Toffee falls silent.

"Don't question me," River growls, "without questioning yourself first, but if it's any consolation, no. It wasn't worth it."

"Then we both made mistakes," Toffee retorts, "but I was able to fix mine, or try to. Can you fix this River?"

River silently leaves, crying. Toffee sits down, thinking about how it came to this. Where did he go wrong? Was she doomed as soon as he cursed her? He just doesn't know...

"Where's the wand!?!" Baby demands as she is the last to arrive.

"Right here," Marco replies, "what do we do?"

Everyone looks at Baby intently, hoping, praying, for goods news or something, anything they can at least try.

"Let me see it," Baby replies.

Marco hands her the crystal, allowing Baby to examine it, but she already knows that Comet is dying in there, surrounded by darkness, it's gonna kill her, probably soon.

"So what do we do?" Buff Frog asks.

"Uhhh..." Baby decides to not tell the others and lies, "Tom is looking into a lead, so, I guess, try to talk to her? Let me try. Comet? Can you hear me?"

"I'm in here!" Comet exclaims, "Baby! Oh man, it's good to see you! I'm-" A wave washes over Comet, filling her mouth with the disgusting black ooze, forcing her to struggle back to the surface where she vomits.

The crystal glows green in response.

Comet struggles to catch her breath, she considers giving up, and surrendering to the inky blackness. Everything hurts. It seems so much easier to quit.

"Gurl that can't be good," Ponyhead comments.

"Comet!" Marco yells, "just hold on! It's gonna be OK!"

Comet thinks about Marco, hearing his voice. She thinks about the Diazs. She thinks about her friends, Kelly, Baby, Buff Frog, Tom, and she thinks even about Toffee. She decides to keep fighting, if only for a bit longer...

"Hit it!" Janna exclaims. 

Tom tosses a fireball at the explosives, and the three take cover behind a crystal around the corner, avoiding the explosion. When the brilliant display of fire and colors is done...

The crystal is still there.

"What do we do?"Janna asks.

That's when an orange portal opens, and Rhombulus and Hekapoo emerge.

"I'm sure it's fine," Hekapoo reassures Rhombulus, "I didn't sense any portals, you sure you felt someone attack a crystal?"

"Dead certain," Rhombulus replies, "and it was Eclipsa's."

The two look around, Hekapoo just spotting Tom.

"Come out," she sighs, "we know you're there, and I'm guessing you used a carriage."

'Alright," Tom sighs as he motions the others to stay hidden, "you caught me, but I came alone."

"What do you want with Eclipsa?" Rhombulus demands.

"I wanna make a deal," Tom explains, "Comet's alive, but she's dying. I'm not gonna let her die, and if I have to light this place ablaze and kill us all, so be it, so, we gonna do this the easy way?"

"Are you bluffing?" Kelly texts Tom.

"You crazy?" Tom discretely texts back, "of course! Well, killing us all anyways. That part,"

"Dying?" Hekapoo asks, "what?"

"She's in the wand," Tom explains, "but she's dying in there. Please, let me make a deal with Eclipsa. She's my friend, and all of her others friends would say the same, let me a make a deal, please."

"Should we?" Hekapoo whispers, "I mean, if Comet's alive..."

"She still hates Moon Heka," Rhombulus whispers back, "and if we do this, there's no going back. We WILL be declared enemies of the Commission."

"Is being on it any better? They're just gonna finish Moon's genocide. I don't want anyone to die, and, let's be honest, Comet deserves better."

"Are you implying... we betray the Commission?"

"I.. guess? I mean, let's look at our options here. Help with genocide, or help Comet prevent it. sure, Comet's not perfect, but she's better than Moon."

"OK," Rhombulus replies, "but we have one condition."

"Anything," Tom replies.

"You must finish the war against the High Commission," Hekapoo explains, "and allow us to assist you from this day onward."

"You got a deal," Tom smiles.

"OK," Rhombulus replies, "here we go."

Rhombulus  frees Eclipsa's head once more, sealing his and Hekapoo's allegiance as allies of monsters, and enemies of the High Commission...

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