A Winter's Day

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The air is cold as Winter begins to approach on Earth. Comet breaths in the cold air and smiles. It's a beautiful day. A light snow falls from the sky, covering the suburbs in a blanket of snow. Comet, Tom, and Rhombulus, all stand looking off the balcony, discussing Toffee's execution in three days.

"So everything is ready?" Rhombulus asks.

"Yeah," Tom replies, "we'll be able to free Toffee and take back Mewni in one fell swoop."

"Sounds like a plan," Rhombulus smiles, "but they probably know about my betrayal by now."

"I wouldn't worry," Comet reassures him, "they aren't going to go after you when they're shorthanded like they are without you, and they can't do anything about Eclipsa's crystal anyways."

"Hey," Tom asks, "did you strike a deal with her?"

"No," Comet lies, "don't worry about it."

"Well," Rhombulus shurgs, "if you made a deal with her, it's to late to back out anyways. If you did, we're just gonna have to deal with it."

An orange portal opens and Hekapoo emerges. "Ready to go?" She smiles.

"Sure," Rhombulus replies, "we'll be back. We attack on the last day, right?"

"Right," Tom replies.

"Got it," Hekapoo smiles, "whelp, we're headed to the ice cream dimension. See you guys later."

Hekapoo and Rhombulus leave.

"Any word from Baby?" Comet asks.

"Let me check," Tom replies opening a group chat with all of the others.

"Any word?" He asks.

"No," Jackie replies.

"But guess who just got mirrors!" Janna adds.

"I'm starting to worry," Kelly admits, "she was not happy about Eclipsa."

"I'm sure she's fine," Buff Frog reassures everyone, "she's tougher than she looks, and pretty smart. She can handle herself. Besides, she's probably just waiting for the whole Eclipsa thing to blow over."

"There we have it," Comet comments, lurking in the group chat with her own mirror, "I should've been there. Monsters have to stick together. I thought her and I were besties."

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Tom replies, "you were inside the wand. You couldn't do anything."

"I just hope she's OK," Comet sighs.

"How much trouble could she even get into?" Tom asks, "anyways, come on, let's go sledding like we planned with Jackie and Janna..."

The automatons salute Baby as she flies past them. The air is cold and rain falls from the sky as Baby and Heinous admire their new army, ready to attack whatever they order them too.

"So," Heinous smiles, "you really do have connections huh?"

"I'm immortal," Baby explains, "not unlike Toffee to some extent. I know people in high places. The Underworld owed me a favor I called in."

"So," Heinous asks, "we attack on the day of the execution. That's the best time. Correct?"

"I handle Eclipsa," Baby explains, "you handle the other issue."

"Excellent," Heinous smiles, admiring her army.

In three days, the two will act apon their plans...

Hekapoo walks through the ice cream dimension with Rhombulus by her side, warming both of them with a fire in the plam of her hand.

Rhombulus created a crystal cone as they walk across a large section of strawberry ice cream and hands it to Hekapoo.

"Thanks," she smiles licking the ice cream.

Rhombulus gets himself a scoop of mint chocolate chip as they cross over into an area of that flavor, holding it in one hand, and letting his other eat it.

"So," Rhombulus asks, "what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Well..." Hekapoo nervously begins, "it's kinda hard to say. Where do I even start?"

"From the beginning," Rhombulus shurgs, "seems to be the best place."

"Alright," Hekapoo chuckles, "I guess it started... when we were both captured. I don't know, but it was sometime after that. While we were talking about Comet. I began to think about you a bit differently. Before then, I always thought you were just stupid, but I was wrong. You're not stupid, you're just to sweet, like this ice cream here. I began to feel something, and..."

"Can I speak?" Rhombulus asks.

"I guess," Hekapoo shrugs.

"I had a similar experience," Rhombulus explains, "I used to think you were just strict and by the book, but that's not true, you do what you think is right. You were just looking out for me. Remember how I said I was in love with someone who'd never be interetsed in me?"

"Don't do it," the hand stops eating ice cream, "man it's not worth it."

"Hekapoo," Rhombulus blushes and turns away, "I..."

"I love you too," Hekapoo smiles, already knowing what he's about to say, "and I have for a while now. You thought I was out of your league? You're so cute."

Hekapoo kisses Rhombulus's cheek and smiles, opening a portal "come on. Let's go sledding down Cookie Dough Moutian."

"I kinda prefer chocolate," Rhombulus replies, "rock paper scissors?"

"Sure," Hekapoo chuckles, "best of free..."

"River we're going!" Moon exclaims, "we have a kingdom to rule and monsters to kill!"

"I just gotta do one more thing!" River explains, holding his bags as he prepares to return to Mewni. He enters the room of Toffee's cell, and greets him with a kind wave, knowing Toffee can now see again.

"Hello River," Toffee drops his composure and speaks kindly, "you're leaving huh?"

"Yeah," River sighs, "gotta get back to Mewni, but I'll be back in three days."

"To kill me," Toffee glares.

There's a tense silence, before River continues, "I've heard a rumor, about the tratiors."

"Rumors?" Toffee asks.

"We have reason to believe," River explains, "they made a deal with Eclipsa. It may have something to do with Star, or Comet, or whatever she wants to be called. That's all I know though, just a rumor."

"Thanks," Toffee smiles, "at least that gives us hope."

"Anytime pal. Now, I gotta go. Any requests for your last meal?"

"I'll think of something."

"Alright," River begins to leave, "farewell my freind."

"As to you," Toffee waves goodbye, "my friend."

Toffee waits on River to leave before taking out a notepad and writing, "my thorey is correct. It's very likely that they made a deal with Eclipsa to free Comet from the wand. Thank God I was right about that. Never tested that thorey, but it seems to be true considering that. Which means Comet lives..."

He thinks for a moment then adds, "I am not going to die here. I have a reason to live now, and I'm going to escape..."

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