Five More Minutes

422 13 0

18 days until Moon's deadline.

Marco snaps awake from his nightmare, screaming into his pillow again. He looks around, and sees Comet, sleeping peacefully. He smiles, relieved. She's finally getting better. She's recovered most of her weight, and can use magic without much difficulty. However...

He holds his scissors in his hand, sighing. He looks outside, the sun is just starting to rise. He knows that Comet's feelings for him out her at risk. He knows he should leave, quietly. Comet wouldn't even notice he's gone. He'd just... leave.

He prepares to open a portal, but hears Comet yawning and waking up just as the sun creeps in the window.

"Morning Marco," Comet smiles, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

"Morning Comet," Marco replies half asleep.

"Trouble sleeping?" Comet asks, sitting in the chair with Marco, leaning into his shoulder.

"What I wouldn't give for five more minutes," he mumbles, dozing back off, "but we have school so-"

"I got this," Comet smiles, "freezing time can't be that hard."

"You sure that's a good..." Marco stops replies, "eh, I'm to tired for this. Just do whatever if it gets me more sleep."

Comet dips down, focusing her limited magic, which, although strong, isn't what it was when she was healthy. She's still somewhat skinny, and her magic is still hindered. She speaks an incantation, "easy peasy time freezy!"

Everything is silent, and everything is still, expect Marco and Comet. Comet smiles as Marco gets the sleep she knows he needs. She cuddles him, and dozes back off herself...

Unfortunately for them, one member of the High Commission is still active, and he is not happy.

Omnitraxus Prime lets out a long, annoyed sigh. He knows right away Comet broke time. He goes to speak to Father Time about the issue.

"Hello Father Time," Prime greets, "we need to talk."

"Is this about the wheel?" He asks.

"Kinda," Prime explains, "look, the High Commission is having... issues with a certain monster. She's gonna come here to fix time sooner or later, and when she does, you are to do absolutely nothing until I defeat her and take her to Moon."

"What if she beats you? Just hypothetical."

"If she beats me? Huh, I guess, restart time anyways? Just so we don't ruin the multiverse."

"Got it. Now, we wait?"

"Yes. We wait..."

Marco stirs in his sleep, causing Comet to wake up. She goes to check a clock on her bedside table, but then remembers time is frozen.

Marco is now muttering in his sleep, "no. No no no!"

"Marco?" Comet asks.

"Stay away from her!" Marco yells out in his sleep, "don't!"

"Marco!" Comet tries to shake him awake to no avail, "Marco wake up!"

Marco stays asleep. Comet speaks the incantation, "nighty night shall come to light!"

Comet finds herself in Marco's dream, which appears to be him facing Moon, his arm and leg in a cast, like long before.

"No!" He begs.

Comet turns to see Moon, approaching herself, or a blind version of herself from Marco's dream.

"Face it," Moon laughs, "you're weak!"

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now