Looming Shadow

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A shadow looms over all the realms. A shadow of the events that just transpired as the war leaves the battlefield of Mewni for the last time. No longer is this war one that can be fought with armies. This is a war or mind now. A war of heart. A war that has left wounds and victims.

The first of which is Baby. Baby has nothing and nobody now. Would the others accept her now? Can she even trust them? Eclipsa rules Mewni, and she fled from Mewni as soon as Eclipsa and Meteora weren't paying attention. While she was welcome to stay in the castle as a caretaker to Meteora, she was to afraid of Eclipsa, so, after agreeing to stay just to make sure not to upset Meteora, she fled in the night. She is truly at a loss. She is powerless and she knows it, which is how she finds herself in the cat face dimension, where she sits alone, watching a river flow by.

She takes out her mirror, and looks through her contacts. She scrolls to the top and stops.

She has to try...

Baby tries to call her best friend, or rather, her sister at this point, hoping, begging for forgiveness.

This sister however is to broken to reply. Comet sits in her room, her hellhound whimpering by her side. Her regained strength gone as she has wasted away, unable to eat. For in her own words...

"I'm nobody."

Marco sits in the chair by her bed. For two weeks she has been like this, and she's dying. She's dying, slowly. Marco can't lose her, for without her, he has nothing. They always have each other, but Marco forgets his friends.


He forgets his family. He forgets they are his family, and he still has them. All he has, in his blind rage, is Comet. The rage, the despair, he feels has taken his sight of the world and left his mind distorted. He gets up, as Star passes out, and kisses her forehead as he tucks her in. He notices her ringing mirror on her bedside table. He sees Baby is calling, and thinks about answering, but shakes his head and decides to leave it be. He goes to his room, grabs his sword, and opens a portal. Ash looks up, pleading with her eyes for Marco not to leave.

"Don't look at me like that," Marco sighs as he goes through...

As Meteora slides her socks across the crystal floor, Toffee sips his tea, speaking to Eclipsa.

"I never expected Marco to do that," Toffee sighs, "but with all that's happened who knows what he'll do now?"

"I don't know," Eclipsa sighs, "but I don't think anyone else is gonna take Mewni now. I mean, Moon may try but I don't see that going well for her. All we can do now is enjoy a snookers, and hope that Comet is OK."

With that, Eclipsa bites into her snookers and proceeds, "I mean, we can't exactaly check on her, but as long as we keep an eye on Moon it should be OK..."

They uhhhh...

They aren't doing a good job at that.

Moon sighs as she comes to terms with the situation.

"Mewni is a lost cause," she admits, "we don't stand a chance against Eclipsa, not like this."

"Well what do we do then?" Prime inquires, as Lekmet walks away, ignored once more after bleating again and again to get Moon's attention to no avail. He sighs, chewing a tin can as he thinks about everything that has happened. He tires of it all, and of Moon's rule. He begins to think. She's not even the rightful queen.

Why should he listen at all?...

"We should just try to attack Earth," River explains, "if we do that we can bring Comet home and-"

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