Welcome Home, Ponyhead

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King Ponyhead sits on his throne, thinking.

"Sir," a guard unicornhead expains, "Comet is coming today to discuss her terms."

"Oh," King Ponyhead replies, "of course. It's a shame what happened to the Fairy Kingdom."

"Yes," the guard replies, "quite a shame."

Ponyhead floats into the room. "Morning dad," she smiles.

"Morning Ponyhead," King Ponyhead smiles.

"Sure is nice to be back here," Ponyhead smiles, "although to be honest, it's taking some getting used to."

"Don't worry," King Ponyhead smiles, "you'll adjust. It'll just take time. If you ever wanna talk about it..."

"Hey," Ponyhead smiles, "I'm tough, I was fine for those years. Just not used to being in such a massive castle. Anyways, now that I've been here a few days, there is something we need to talk about. It's about Comet."

"Oh," King Ponyhead replies, "if you wanna go visit her, that's fine, or, it would be, if she wasn't on her way right now."

"Wait," Ponyhead asks, "what?"

"Oh, nobody told you? We're joining her. After what she did in the Fairy Kingdom, it's clear no one can stop her."

"What did she do?"

"Man, you are out of the loop aren't you? The fairy queen made a deal with the High Commission to crystallize Comet like Eclipsa, but Comet fought back. She defeated a member of the High Commission and took the kingdom for herself. She'll be arriving any minute, so, do your best not to anger her. I mean, you are friends with her, right?"


Before Ponyhead can explain, Comet barges through the massive front doors of the castle, with a fairy guard on her left, and a monster guard on her right.

"Hello there Comet!" King Ponyhead exclaims, approaching her, "welcome to my kingdom! Can I get you anything?"

"I'm a busy queen so let's make this quick," Comet explains.

Queen? Did she say queen? Why didn't she say monster? Ponyhead immediately realizes something is wrong here. Comet's a monster, and proud of it. She'd say monster. Something's not right here.

"Don't you mean monster?" Ponyhead asks.

Comet is caught off guard by this, and answers quickly, desperate to hide what she learned, "monster, queen, whatever. Wait a minute... Ponyhead? What are you doing here?"

"I live here," Ponyhead explains, "remember?"

"Right," Comet looks away from Ponyhead awkwardly, "so, as you are well aware, I am planning to destroy the High Commission, but I need help. We can discuss the details now, or I can give you time to think... and reconsider if you've hired an assasian. This is your only warning."

"No no," King Ponyhead, "it's alright. I assure you, there's no assasian. Come in, I have dinner prepared, we can discuss as we eat."

King Ponyhead leads Comet through the castle towards the mess hall.

"What are you doing Comet?" Ponyhead whispers.

"What do you mean?" Comet asks, "I'm doing my job."

"But declaring war on the High Commission?" Ponyhead asks, "are you crazy?"

"I've already captured Rhombulus," Comet grins, "the others shouldn't be to difficult to defeat. Besides do you rule this kingdom? No. So, back off. I can still have you sent to Henious's school if I want."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would if you got in my way. All that matters is defeating the High Commission, and no one's gonna stop me."

"What makes you so sure?"

Comet stops and turns around, looking Ponyhead in the eye as she speaks, "because I have Mewni, I have the spell book, I have the wand, I have an army and most importantly, I have nothing left to lose."

"What do you mean?" Ponyhead asks, "what about your friends? What about you? This isn't good for you Comet, you have to stop, please. This darkness is consuming you."

"Shut your fat mouth before I blow this castle off the map," Comet growls, "I'm strong now, strong enough to beat Moon, and that's all that matters."

"But at what cost?" Ponyhead asks, concern in her voice, "I thought we were bestites. Didn't our friendship mean anything?"

"Of course it did," Comet replies, "but I have bigger fish to fry. Step aside and let me speak to your father."

Ponyhead thinks about attacking Comet, swiping the wand and attempting to rally those in the Fairy Kingdom, but doing so would be suicide. She lets Comet pass.

"I'm sorry," Comet whispers under her breath, "but I don't know who I am anymore. All I know is I have to keep fighting."

"I'm sorry," Ponyhead whispers under her breath as well, "but you must be dethroned."

Comet stops King Ponyhead when they're around the corner, her conversation with Ponyhead has raised uncertainty in her heart, making the glow brighter.

"Look," she explains, "I'd love to stay, but I have business elsewhere. You in or not?"

"Definitely in," King Ponyhead replies, "just wondering what I have to do."

"I'm launching an attack later," Comet explains, "just show up with your army."

"I understand," King Ponyhead replies, "farewell, young queen."

Comet leaves without a word, and returns to Mewni. She looks at herself in a mirror in her bedroom, which has been redesigned to look exactly like a more fancy version of her room on Earth. She sets her wand down on a table by her bed, and touches the reflection, wondering what may have been. She imagines that the one staring back at her, is not Comet Dragonfly, always wearing armor, always afraid, but Star Butterfly. A young princess with two loving parents and a bright future, but that, is just a distant fantasy.

The more she thinks about what Toffee stole from her, the angrier she gets, until she shatters the mirror. Broken glass covers the floor below it. She sits down on her bed, her face in her hands. An looks at the chair next to her bed, wishing that someone was there with her. She remembers Ponyhead, Baby, Marco, everyone, and imagines them sitting in that chair, comforting her, but this too, is but a distant dream. Comet sighs, and picks her wand back up. She opens the spell book.

"Glossaryck," she asks, "is there a spell to see other places?"

"Why do you ask?" Glossaryck inquires.

"I have to know," Comet replies, "how everyone is doing without me. I have to know they're OK."

"Ah yes," Glossaryck replies, "it'll take a day or two for you to get it right, but there's one in Eclipsa's chapter."

"Teach me," Comet demands.

"Very well," Glossaryck replies, "first, you concentrate your darkness..."

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