I Forgot You

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Marco walks down the hallway with Comet at school, going to their next class. Marco leads Comet, as she is still blind, and will be for a few more weeks. As Marco walks down the hall, he realizes how out of place he feels. How unfamiliar all these faces are. How faded their names are.

"Hey Marco," a vaguely familiar girl with blonde hair greets.

"Hey," Marco forces a smile, "uhhhh..."

Marco stops. What was her name again? He takes out the photo from his pocket. He has written the names of everyone on it under them with Comet's help, so he could remember them again.

"Jackie," Marco finishes after considerable delay, "It's Jackie right?"

"Yeah," Jackie replies, "Marco, are you feeling OK?"

"Yeah," Marco replies, "why do you ask?"

"I can't even see," Comet interjectes, "and even I can see that you've changed."

"What are you talking about?" Marco asks.

"Hey," Jackie asks, "can I take Marco for a second?"

"Sorry," Marco apologizes, "but Comet's still blind."

"Don't worry," Comet smiles, "I'll have Janna help me. Where is she anyways?"

"I heard my name," Janna comments, coming out of a locker, "and everything else. Come on Comet, I'll help you out."

Janna takes Comet to her next class.

"Marco," Jackie asks, "what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" Marco asks.

"I mean," Jackie replies, "that you've been acting different this last week. You don't wave like you always do, and you don't talk to me or Janna anymore. Did we anger you or..."

"Nah," Marco replies, "I just ended up lost in an alternate dimension for seventeen years."

"OK," Jackie stops Marco, "hold up. Start from the beginning."

"OK," Marco begins, "it all started... should I say last Wednesday or seventeen years ago?"

"Whichever you prefer."

"OK. So, it all started seventeen years ago..."

Marco begins to tell Jackie a tale of various trials he faced. First telling her about how Hekapoo almost cut off his arm, then explaing how he chased her down for seventeen years, and how during that time, he learned to fight.

"Although," Marco sighs, "now, it's like fighting is all I know. I mean, I have a crush on you, and I forgot your name."

"You have a crush on me?" Jackie asks.

"Uhhh..." Marco blushes, "yeah. I mean, I've been gone for seventeen years so I guess if I said it, it's out there. Doesn't change the fact that I can't stand it here. I mean, it's been so long since I've actually relaxed, I'm not sure I remember how."

"Then what have you been doing since Wensday?"

"I've been training. Practicing with my sword, martial arts, the usual."

Jackie takes Marco's hand. "If you've forgotten how to relax," she smiles, "why don't I show you how? I mean, we're friends, right?"

Jackie hugs Marco. "And maybe," she smiles, "more than that."

Marco blushes. "Sure," Marco replies, "go to the school dance together Friday?"

"Sure," Jackie smiles, "see you then."

The bell rings.

"Well," Jackie smiles, "gotta go. See ya Marco."

Jackie walks away, waving to Marco.

"See ya Jackie," Marco replies as he heads to his next class.

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