Monster Lullaby

424 13 15

11 days until Moon's deadline.

It's quiet.

It's so quiet. So peaceful. Comet... no, Star is on Mewni. She smiles, no more than four. She joyfully leaps through the beautiful field of flowers. She's going somewhere, but she can't recall where.

She sees Moon and River awaiting her. She tackles Moon with a hug that River joins

Six years later. Toffee is attacking the castle. He leaps over the wall, only to be knocked back down by River with the hilt of his sword. Toffee gets back up, expecting River to finish him, but River instead helps him to his feet, and the two seem to achieve some kind of understanding.

Four years later, Star is fourteen, and she's going to get her wand. She rides a Warnicorn into the castle and stands in front of Moon and River eagerly. Toffee stands beside them, as a royal guard. He smiles at Star who smiles back as she grabs her wand.

Then everything goes black.

"If only," Moon sighs, "but you're not my duaghter."

Star begins to change as a dark energy surrounds her, turning her into Comet.

Comet wakes up. Marco sleeping beside her on the couch. He's stirred as Marco snaps awake.

"You OK?" Marco asks.

Comet starts crying. Not entirely sure why. Confused by her dream. Slightly unnerved, but mostly conflicted. She clings to Marco, safe and reliable, like he always is. She thinks of her friends, and all they've done for her, and clings to Marco tighter. They're all she has. Since she has no family. Since Moon and River want to kill her and Toffee has stolen Mewni from her. She only has her friends.

"It's OK," Marco comforts her, "I'm here. What was it? Night terrors again?"

"No," Comet explains wiping her tears in Marco's hoodie, "something worse. Much much worse."

"Do you need," Marco gets a playful smile if he takes his glasses from his pocket, "Dr. Marco?"

Comet thinks for a moment. That dream was more horrific than any other dream she's ever had. Because it was everything she ever wanted, but...

She can never have it like that.

"Actually," she sighs, stretching and standing up in the quiet, dark house as the TV flickers silently, muted, "yes. I do."

Marco pulls up a chair as Comet readjusts herself into a more comfortable position on the couch, laying with her hands on her chest.

"So," Marco asks, "how does it start?"

"I'm on Mewni," Comet begins, "I'm four years old again."

"Oh?" Marco asks, "are you with your parents before they died?"

"No," Comet sighs, "not exactly. I'm not me... I'm Star. Star Butterfly. I'm a Mewmen."


"Weird. I know, but it gets weirder. I'm joyfully frolicking through a field of beautiful flowers, going towards someone. That's when I see them. It's River... and Moon."

"Moon?" Marco asks, shocked by this reply, "what happens next?"

"She's not glowing green," Comet continues, "and I hug her. She hugs me back. Then River joins the hug. We're... we're a family again Marco."

At this point, Marco I frantically taking notes on every word Comet is saying.

"After that," Comet continues, "it's six years later. Toffee is attacking Mewni. River defeats him, and spares his life. Four years later, I'm about to get my wand. Toffee is there, as a royal guard. He smiles at me and I smile back. When I grab my wand, everything goes dark. I hear Moon say I'm not her daughter, I turn back into Comet, and wake up."

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now