I'm Sorry, But I Can't Forgive You (Intervention Finale)

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The police take Comet down to the station. She hears Tom's horse while being escorted to the car. She glares at him, but he only shrugs. As Comet rides to the station in silence, she ponders all the mistakes she's made. If Marco hadn't stopped her none of this would've happened. Now she's going to jail, she's going to lose the book, her scissors, and her wand. Moon will then send someone to kill her, and then, it will be over. Moon will win. She will be able to finish what she started.

As the car pulls into the station, Comet gets out and walks inside, looking down at her feet. She walks into the station. Knowing she'll never see her friends again. Tom, Ponyhead, Baby, Mr. and Ms. Diaz, Janet, Jackie, or even Marco. What she wouldn't give to see a friendly face, one last time...

"Wait here," the chief demands, "I have someone who wishes to speak with you."

The chief goes into another room.

"Wake up kid," he shakes Marco a little, "we found her."

Marco opens his eyes, dropping a bunch of flyers that say, "Missing: Comet Dragonfly. Blind. If found call the number below."

"Is she OK?" Marco demands, getting up way to fast and falling down, hurting his already injured leg. He grips his leg.

"Easy kid," the chief replies, helping him up, "she's fine, but maybe you should go to talk to her."

"Agreed," Marco replies, "thanks a lot for your help."

"Don't mention it," the chief smiles.

Marco goes to speak to Comet.
Apon seeing Marco, Comet, crying, rushes up to Marco and hugs him.

"It's OK Comet," Marco hugs and back and comforts her, "You're not going to jail."

"I'm not?" Comet asks, wiping her tears.

"No," Marco replies, "we were just worried about you. Ponyhead told me you ran away and we agreed to find you."

"What about the bus?" Comet asks.

"No one's pressing charges," Marco explains, "but we need to talk."

Comet's friends enter the room. Comet can already see where this is going.

"Comet," Jackie explains, "you can't keep pushing yourself so hard."

"You're completely blind," Ponyhead continues.

"Can't you at least wait until you get your sight back?" Baby asks.

"Can't you do it for me?" Marco asks, "for us?"

"Fine," Comet sighs, "but I want to make something very clear Marco. While I appreciate your concern, I just want you to know, I can't forgive you for what you did. I'm sorry, but... I just can't. Also, as soon as my eyes return, I'm reading the spell book, and none of you can stop me."

"Just," Tom pleads, "be careful, OK? We all care about you Comet."

"I will," Comet replies, getting her scissors, "I promise. Come on Marco, Baby, Ponyhead. Let's go home. See ya later everybody!"

"In about five weeks," Tom adds.

"Dude," Janna snaps at Tom, "way to soon."

"Sorry," Tom apologizes.

"It's fine," Comet smiles, "see you guys later!"

Comet returns home with Marco, Ponyhead, and Baby. Glossaryck seems to have returned to the book.

"Whelp," Comet smiles, "I'm getting some shut eye. Good night!"

"Night Comet," Marco smiles.

Comet heads into her room. She brushes her hands against the weapons and armor, and realizes how absurd it all is. She takes a deep breath and tries to make a new spell.

"Armory extension!" Comet exclaims. An extra room magically appears, jutting out from the original. Comet moves the equipment into the armory. The old kitten posters are still there, now visible once again. Comet smiles, she finally feels safe again, even if she's still mad at Marco, she's not quite as mad as she was before. With that, she picks up her diary and writes another entry.

"Chapter Four: Intervention

My friends hosted an intervention about me being too intent on killing Moon. I agreed to wait until my sight returns, but after that, I plan to leave. If what Glossaryck said is true, after I kill Moon, I can never do back to Earth. I won't let them hurt my friends...

My family.

After Moon dies...

I can never go home..."

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