Little Katrina

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Buff Frog sits in his chair, sighing. He thinks about Comet and what her betrayal means for the countless monsters who admired her. She was a hero to monsters, an idol, even after she lost the throne. Especially to...

"Papa!" Katrina exclaims as her and her siblings joyfully tackle and hug Buff Frog.

"My little tadpoles!" He exclaims joyfully.

"Papa," Katrina asks, "I have a question."

"What is it my little Katrina?" Buff Frog smiles.

"What happened to Comet?" Katrina inquires, "wasn't she supposed to come play with her puppy?"

"Well..." Buff Frog stalls by dragging out his words before answering, "Comet's... not well. Her puppy can come, Marco is watching it, but Comet... not now."

"Is she OK?" Katrina asks.

"Of course," Buff Frog reassures Katrina, "just... busy right now."

Katrina knows there's something going on, being almost to smart for her own good, but replies, "OK papa. I'm going to take a nap."

"Want some warm milk?" Buff Frog asks.

"Nah I'm good," Katrina smiles, "see ya later."

Katrina goes to her room, Buff Frog getting the door for her due to her lack of arms. As soon as he shuts it, Katrina pushes her toy box to reveal a secret passage.

"Sorry dad," she sighs, "but if Comet's in trouble it's my duty as a monster to step in."

Katrina goes down the hole and emerges in a Mewmen corn field...

Baby flies over the corn field, over looking the harvest and keeping an eye out for Eclipsa and Comet. She us surprised to see a monster child unsupervised in the field, and decides to approach.

"Hello little one," Baby greets, "are you lost?"

"No," Katrina smiles, "I'm just... playing outside. Wait, you're Comet's friend, right?"

"I..." Baby turns away, "Well I used to be."

"What happened?" Katrina asks.

"That's..." Baby sweats nervously, "that's grown up stuff kid. You should go home."

"What's everyone hiding from me?" Katrina demands, "I'm not stupid. Where's Comet?"

"You want answers so badly?" Baby glares, "find them yourself kid, but she'll betray you. She can't be trusted. Rhombulus's castle, but you're going to hate what you see."

Baby tosses a pair of scissors and flies off, crying almost, thinking about Comet, and how she joined Eclipsa. She thinks about losing her best friend, and she struggles to keep it together, remembering back when they were friends, and missing it. Missing when the goal was simple. Defeat Moon. Now...

She doesn't even know what she's trying to do anymore...

Katrina takes the scissors, and opens a portal, trusting Baby's advice, and moves the handles with her feet, taking them with her through the portal.

She arrives in the castle, wandering the halls silently before overhearing a discussion, starting with Comet crying. She slips into the room, hiding under a desk as Comet cries looking at the photo of her friends.

"You OK?" Toffee asks.

"I'm fine," Comet lies, drying her tears.

"It's the others," he sighs, "isn't it?"

"Why can't they understand?" Comet asks, "I'm doing this for the greater good... right?"

"Of course you are," Toffee reassures her with a hug, "It's gonna be OK. Just, don't give up. Do you need... to take a day?"

"What do you mean?" Comet asks.

Toffee takes his old cloak from a chest in the corner of the room.

"This is an old disguise I wore way back when," he explains, "put this on, and go to Earth. No one's gonna figure it out."

"That would be amazing!" Comet exclaims, "thanks uncle Toffee! I think I'll go now!"

"Be safe," Toffee smiles.

Comet takes the cloak, and joyfully opens a portal and goes to Earth.

"Come on out kid," Toffee sighs.

Katrina realizes she's been caught, nervously reveals herself.

"What are you doing here?" Toffee demands.

"I..." Katrina replies, "wanted to meet Comet."

"That's cute kid," Toffee chuckles, "but... This isn't the Comet you looked up to. Comet has joined Eclipsa. If anything, you should avoid her like your life depends on it. You need to leave."

"But what about Comet?" Katrina asks, "she's still fighting for monsters, right?"

"Of course we are," Toffee reassures the child, "but this is grown up stuff. Just stay out of it. Comet isn't a villain, but we're no heroes Katrina. Send Buff Frog my regards."

Toffee opens a portal and signals Katrina to leave. Knowing it's useless to protest, she takes her scissors and complies.

When she gets home, she kicks open an old box, in it, is a book with Comet in the cover. A biography.

"Eclipsa?" She thinks aloud, "no. She wouldn't..."

Katrina sighs, and closer the box, which contains many other pieces of Comet memorabilia.

"There's only one thing to do," Katrina open a portal, "I have to hear it from her. It can't be true. It just can't..."

Katrina goes through the portal and heads to Earth...

To be continued...

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