Epilogue Episode: A Cat and a Queen (Plus a Preview)

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Baby sighs as she enters castle Mewni, several months since the death of Moon. She thinks to herself about the new queen, Eclipsa, and ponders what this could mean. She still does not fully trust Eclipsa, and only goes to see-

"Kitty friend!" The child exclaims, the young Meteora rushing over to hug Baby, who smiles, "Hey Meteora. How are you?"

"I'm good!" Meteora exclaims, "But mama wants to talk to you."

"I'm sorry what?" Baby inquires, fear in her heart. Knowing full well what Eclipsa is capable of.

Eclipsa greets the monster with a kind smile, offering her a fresh cup of tea, "Ah, Baby, good to finally speak one on one."

The room in the monster temple has a very nice view, overlooking the beautiful sunset of Mewni as Baby replies, "What did... You wish to speak about?"

Eclipsa sets her tea down and asks sternly, "Why are you afraid of me?"

Shocked, Baby takes a moment to collect herself and replies, "Because no one person should have to much power and when you were a child you used... that spell when I tested you."

"Ah yes," Eclipsa sighs, "The spell with no name... I... haven't used it since and now will never need to but... Baby, I'm not gonna hurt anyone. The time of war is over. I understand that spell wiped out half a town but... I was a child who did not know better and times have changed."

Baby sighs, "Yes but... still I fear that with anyone having that power..."

Eclipsa reasons with Baby calmly, respecting her view but seeing a flaw, "Does Comet now hold the same power?"

"What?" Baby inquires.

"Comet is as strong as me if not stronger," Eclipsa explains, "Can't you trust me if you trust her? You've seen her do worse. Have you not?"

Baby, realizing that what Eclipsa says is true replies, "Huh... You're right."

"Well," Eclipsa smiles, "If all amends have been made, let us enjoy some tea and catch up."

"You know," Baby smiles, no longer afraid, now seeing Eclipsa as part of the family, all amends made, "Let's..."

Author's Note: I may do more Epilogue Episodes much like this one, but for now I am in the process of planning a new short story. I might not write it but I will include a sort of preview here. If I do it'll be called "Last Story: An End Has Been Reached."

The preview starts here.

We lay in a grassy field behind the old mansion I once new well. The air is cool as Auttum once more rolls around and the sun begins to set. I chuckle at the thought that we were at each other's throats just a year ago. Now though, things have finally returned to normal.

"What's funny?" A young man inquires with a kind smile inquires. An old friend of mine known as the Unwinged Angel. He is a very fit young man with a lean, muscular build, wearing a casual pair of blue jeans and a red jacket.

"Oh," I shrug, "Just remembering when we almost started a war."

"Man that was a fucking trip," Prototype 42 comments, a cyborg that looks human and has a soul, but is mostly old cybernetics. His eyes flare up with electricity as he activates his telekinesis to pull a soda into his hand, "But I kinda missed it."

"And you'll miss this two," An unfamiliar voice adds with a chuckle.

I turn to see a young... that's no man. That's a demon. A demonic figure with a wide, toothy grin and malice in its eyes, shrouded in a black cloak that absorbs all light, the world spiraling into this being, turning everything into a black abyss, "I too dream of a happy ending for myself but..."

He lifts his hand, his middle finger and thumb touching at the tips, "Such things are lies..."

He snaps his fingers...

I wake up.

What an odd dream...

I'm still here.

I'm still in the void.

War is still coming...

And now a promo script.

(Open on the protagonist, a man in a black cloak that shows his kind face with a scythe walking through a forest in Auttum. He appears genuinely happy. His name is Reaper Classic.)

Reaper Classic: Everything was perfect before he attacked...

(Show the demon from before destroying a city.)

Banishing us to the abyss.

(Open on a city, beyond the walls of which is an endless blackness that Reaper Classic looks at in horror.)

I want our happy ending back!

(Show Reaper Classic drawing his scythe.)

We haven't come this far to die!

(Cut to a scene of the demon speaking atop a blood red tree stump.)

Demon: All things end.
We all get what we deserve.
I made you better than me but me?...

(The demon smirks, hiding a pained expression behind a sadistic smile.)

I'm going to Hell when I die...

(Cut to Reaper Classic talking yo an unseen group.)

He came here to kill us!

(Cut to a man in a lab coat looking at some screens.)

Scientist: We have about 24 hours before everything in our world is erased from existence by that thing. What is that thing?

(Open on the demon from before, smirking in front of another, taller demon.)

Smaller Demon: We make our own demons?


Well here I am...

(Start song lyrics that repeat under the rest of the promo.)

Lyrics: It's what you deserve.
It's what you deserve.
It's what you deserve.
Just give up?

(Show a young man in a grey jacket fighting off demons with a women with blonde hair. Then cut to Reaper Classic fighting off the small demon with the Unwinged Angel. Then cut to Reaper Classic running from the larger demon from earlier followed by the shorter demon standing in front of the women with blonde hair on top of a tower, the demon laughing before cutting to black.)

Demon: OK.

I'll end this world now.

(Cut to logo. Last Story: An End Has Been Reached.)

Again, may not write that at all, if I don't, consider all that just for fun. If I do I'll let you know in this book and do another Epilogue Episode. Because I know y'all like this story.

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