The Queen's Guilt

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Moon walks down down a road in the forests of Mewni, not realizing she's dreaming. She hears a voice, "you failed me."

She looks around. "Who's talking?" She demands.

"You let me die," the voice continues, "you could have saved me."

The space around Moon goes dark.

"You think death warrants death?" The voice asks, "look at what you've done."

There is a flash of bright light, and Moon suddenly finds herself wearing her battle armor, back at The Hunt, when she was hunting down monsters with the most intensity.

She looks around, and sees her soldiers slaughtering monsters without mercy.

"Did you ever even look for me?" The voice asks.

Comet approaches Moon, holding the wand, crying.

"Did you ever look at her as a person?" The voice asks, "And realize the pain you've caused her?"

Comet looks up at Moon and goes dark, rage in her eyes now.

"Did you ever want to find me?" The voice asks as footsteps echo behind Moon.

"Who's there?" Moon demands.

She turns around and sees an older version of Star Butterfly standing before her, with hearts on her cheeks, and rage in her eyes.

"If only you'd put the pieces together," Star continues, "if only you'd see the truth."

"What truth?"  Moon demands.

Comet laughs, and Moon turns around.

"The truth," Comet explains, "the one you've refused to accept."

"No," Moon realizes, "no! It can't be true! You are not Star Butterfly! Your kind killed her!"

"If you truly have given up on that," Comet chuckles, "then why are you having this dream? You've considered it before, haven't you? It's why you didn't kill me yourself when I was blind. Because you were holding on to that glimpse of hope, weren't you?"

"Star is dead!" Moon exclaims, "there is no way you can be Star!"

"You saw me dig deep," Comet reminds, "just accept it. I am Star, and you can never make up for what you've done to me."

Comet lifts her wand, and aims it at Moon. She laughs madly, "The one who destroyed your family is you Moon!"

Comet blasts Moon with a Murdered by Crows, causing her to wake up with a start. She looks around, and finds herself safe and sound in the High Commission. It's dark outside, still the middle of the night.

She exits her room and walks out to the balcony, looking out at the landscape that surrounds the tower. She lets out a sigh, and takes a locket hidden under her dress. The locket, is shaped like a heart, and is colored the exact same color of the hearts on Star's cheeks.

She opens the locket, and looks inside, looking at the photo within. The photo is one of herself and River, holding baby Star, before she died, or, that's what Moon thinks happened.

Moon closes the locket. "I won't fall for Toffee's tricks," she thinks aloud, "it can't be true. It just can't. If everything I've done has hurt Star..."

Moon sighs and closes the locket, her cheeks glowing green.

"I have to avenge her," she reminds herself, "no matter what."

Moon heads back inside, her eyes now glowing the unholy green color. "And I don't care what I have to do," she mumbles to herself...

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