Threat Evaluation

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Moon opens the bottle, releasing Baby.

"An evaluation?" Moon asks, "but isn't Star dead?"

"You shut your trap monster scum!" Moon exclaims. Baby immediately realizes that mentioning Star was a mistake, "you're lucky I keep you alive! Here's your job you useless cat. Comet Dragonfly, you are to evaluate her as not a student, but a threat. She is on Earth, and when you finish you will return to the bottle. Failure will result in your execution. Is this clear?"

"Crystal," Baby sighs, "see ya."

Baby begins towards Earth...

Meanwhile Comet is practicing her new spell. One bat blast after another into the sky. Marco sits in a lawn chair, observing the swarm of bats.

"So," Marco asks, shoveling nachos into his mouth, "you can summon bats now?"

"I guess," Comet replies.

"Ever consider trying other spells?" Marco inquires.

"Let me see," Comet replies, thinking, "hmmm... I got nothing."

"Fair enough," Marco replies, "want some nachos?"

"Sure," Comet smiles. She sits down with Marco and enjoys the nachos. They don't speak, but there is an atmosphere of friendship and understanding between them. Something that Comet has never had before. For the first time, Comet feels accepted. She feels secure in what she is, even if she's a monster, she's not as bad as the Mewmans.

As they sit, enjoying the nachos, Comet notices a dark fog gathering, until it forms something. Some kind of flying car with a gemstone on its for head.

"Hello," The cat greets, "my name is Baby. Are you Comet?"

"Another monster!" Comet exclaims gleefully, "yup! My name's Comet Dragonfly! What's yours?"

"Baby," the cat replies, "listien, Comet, I'm gonna be honest. I'm In the trying times, us monsters only got each other. Moon sent me here to evaluate you. Now, I know you hate Moon, but if I leave empty handed she will kill me. So, please, I beg you, if you have any magic, show me."

Comet hesitates for a moment. On one hand, she can't let a fellow monster die. On the other, this monster works for a Mewmen. She decides to work out a deal.

"I'll help you," she replies, "if you answer one question for me. How do I grow stronger?"

"You'd need the spell book," Baby replies, "you'd have to steal it from Moon."

"Should I go?" Marco interjects, "is this a monsters only thing?"

"Nah," Comet smiles, "you're good."

"In that case," Marco continues, "who's Moon?"

"Moon," Comet loses their sunny disposition, "is a genocidal monster who must be stopped. That's all. Anyways, here's what I got Baby."

Comet used a bat blast.

"Ah," Baby smikes, "you know kid, you have potential. How about we work together?"

"Go on," Comet smiles.

"I know magic," Baby explains, "so I'll tell Moon I should check up on you weekly, and each time I come, I memorize a spell or two from the spell book to teach you until you're strong enough to steal it. Us monsters gotta stick together, right?"

"Yeah," Comet replies, "just, don't get caught, OK?"

"Don't worry about me," Baby smiles, "I'll be fine. See ya next week."

Baby turns into fog and dissapears.

"I have no idea what just happened," Marco explains.

"I'll tell you," Comet smirks, "I just got one step closer to killing Moon."

"Woah woah woah!" Marco excliams, "kill? Are you serious?"

"This isn't your fight Marco," Comet warns, "stay out of it."

"Fine," Marco sighs, "but remember, if you ever wanna talk, I'm here."

"That's why you're my best friend," Comet smiles.

Meanwhile, Baby returns to Mewni.

"What are we dealing with?" Moon asks.

"It's bad," Baby replies, "Eclipsa bad. She's growing. I recommend I check her progress weekly."

"Fine," Moon sighs, "for now, back in the bottle."

"Very well," Baby replies. Baby returns to the bottle. Moon looks up at the massive painting of Eclipsa. It looms over her. Her greatest fear is coming true. Comet is turning into another Eclipsa...

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