No Remorse, No Surrender Part Four: Queen Comet

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Toffee dashes through the chaos, desperate to find Comet.

"Comet!" He yells, "Comet! Where are you?"

"You looking for her too?" Kelly asks, approaching Toffee in the midst of the madness.

"Yeah," Toffee explains, "I'm Toffee."

"The Toffee?" Kelly asks, "man, everyone's here huh? I'm Kelly, an ally of Comet's. I think she went to the castle."

"Thanks Kelly," Toffee replies, "and remember, no remorse..."

"No surrender."

"I see you've followed my teachings well. Be safe, young warrior."

Toffee heads towards the castle. He has to find Comet, if she reads Eclipsa's chapter, she may be corrupted. He has to stop her, no matter what.

Meanwhile, Comet counters with a Murdered by Crows, her wand glowing a bright green.

"Finally," Moon smiles, walking down the steps to her throne, "after all these years. I've finally found you. The one who stole my daughter's wand. The one who took everything from me. You may have escaped before, but this time, you will die here."

"No," Comet smiles, "you will die blind."

Comet opens the spell book. She has a very special plan for Moon. One's she's wanted to enact for a long time...

"The blindness spell," Comet demands. Glossaryck turns to the page. Comet reads it, and prepares to speak, but Moon blasts the book out of her hand before she can read the last line.

"I'm not a fool," Moon chuckles, "I knew you'd try to pull that. Come on, face me with only what you have."

Glossaryck, now with the book lieing on the floor, has no loyalties, and decides to enjoy the show that follows.

Comet blasts Moon with an intense Bat Blast, fueled by rage. Moon is sent flying, going through a set of doors, leading out to the balcony.

"Ten years," Comet laughs madly, darkness in her eyes, "I've waited ten years to kill you. Now, I finally can."

Comet lifts her wand.

"Goodbye," she smiles, "Moon."

Comet blasts Moon, sending her falling to what is obviously her death. Comet turns away and begins to leave, but then she hears a voice.

"It's no over," Moon growls, rising up on her Mewberty wings, "until one of us is dead!"

Moon tackles Comet, sending her through several walls. Eventually stopping in Star's nursery. Comet struggles to her feet, coughing. She staggers for a moment, and realizes she's dropped her wand.

"Missing something?" Moon chuckles, "I have it now. It's over. You lose. I win. It'd take someone with royal blood to dip down and use magic without a wand. You, you're just a common monster. A stain along my kingdom. Heh, its kinda funny really. How a stain not unlike yourself... could destroy something as bright and beautiful as a Star. It was here you know, that I saw her die. That she was killed. Taken from me."

Moon sheds a single tear, "that I lost my reason for ruling my kingdom. The only reason I go on, is to kill you and Toffee. I want you to struggle. Try to end this. Dig down. See if you can muster some pathetic amount of magic."

Comet takes a deep breath, looking Moon in the eye. Her hatred... isn't enough. She can't muster any magic. She doesn't care if only Mewmen royalty should be able to, she's gonna find a way. She just has to find some way to dig deep.

She thinks about Baby. She can't fail monsters. She thinks about Jackie, and how Jackie's been a good friend to her. She thinks about Janna in a similar way, and then about Ponyhead, how she'll finally be able to go home. She thinks about Tom, and how he lives in fear due to the price on his head. She thinks about Marco, and the things she didn't say.

This brew of emotions, and her hatred for Moon, change her. She begins to glow, green light pours from her eyes. Green lighting crackles around her, the furniture in the room floats, along with Comet.

"What!?!" Moon exclaims.

Comet speaks, the words that will kill Moon. The words she wanted to say as soon as she entered.

"Nightmarish Destruction," Comet smirks.

Everything in the room begins to decay. Moon drops the wand in horror as Comet slowly, with a soulless look in her eyes, and a swarm of bats, crows, and spiders surrounding her, approaches.

"Die," Comet speaks with emotionless conviction. Desperate, and knowing she can't win, Moon takes out her scissors, and flees to the High Commission.

Comet falls to the ground, exhausted, and unable to go after Moon. Toffee barges into the castle and finds her.

Comet feels so tired. She just wants to close her eyes and rest.

"Comet!" Toffee exclaims, rushing up to her.

"Did..." Comet wheezes, "did we win?"

"Soon," Toffee replies, "it's almost over."

"Are..." Comet struggles to stay awake, "are you mad at me?"

"Not at all," Toffee smiles, "just worried. I'm so glad you're safe."

"Can... you promise?"

"What is it?"

"Promise... that Moon will suffer."

Toffee stops, and decides to lie for now, "I promise, we will make Moon suffer and die."

With that Comet collapses, unable to go on. Toffee picks her up and sets her in her rightful place, the throne. He goes outside, where the fighting has calmed. The soldiers have fled, and the citizens have simply chosen not to fight.

Toffee addresses the crowd, "spread the word!" He exclaims, "Moon is gone! We have a new queen now! Long live Queen Comet!"

"Long live Queen Comet!" The monsters and some civilians who particularity hated Moon reply. Toffee smiles, as the age of monsters begins...

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