The Execution Part One: The Assault Begins

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"Toffee," River greets, "it's time."

"River," Toffee gets up, "I have something very important to tell you. Can I trust you?"

"Of course," River smiles.

"There's something you need to know about Star," Toffee explains, "see, I had a theory about the whispering spell. When my second attack failed, I was originally going to exploit it, but when I saw what happened to Star, plans changed."

"What do you mean?" River asks.

"Let me start from the beginning," Toffee smirks...

Meanwhile, Heinous looks at her red, scaled hands, smirking, as she prepares to reclaim what she lost.

"Ready?" Baby asks.

"You bet," Heinous smiles, "capture Comet, stop Eclipsa, right?"

"Exactly," Baby smiles, "let's get this started!"

Heinous and Baby signal the army to attack and go to handle their own duties...

"Everyone ready?" Comet asks, holding her scissors.

"Army's in position," Tom replies closing his mirror.

"Mine too," Ponyhead smiles.

"We'll lead the charge," Kelly smiles with Buff Frog standing next to her, nodding in agreement.

"And we'll keep an eye on Eclipsa," Janna fist bumps Jackie.

"Everyone's ready," Marco smiles, "you ready Comet?"

Comet thinks about her deal with Eclipsa and wonders if she can be trusted, but hides her doubts and smiles, "absolutely!"

Marco catches her lie, noticing her hesitation in her response, but instead of speaking, discretely sending her a message from his mirror, asking, "are you hiding something?"

Comet texts back, "I need you to sabotage Jackie and Janna."

"What?" Marco replies as they continue, opening portals along with the others, who leave Marco's living room one by one, "what did you do?"

They are the last two left, so Comet speaks aloud, "I need you to trust me."

"You made a deal with Eclipsa didn't you?" Marco demands.

"So what?" Comet asks, "what have I got left to lose?"

"Your friends?" Marco asks, "Toffee? Me?"

"Fair point," Comet sighs, "but even with Rhombulus and Hekapoo, Moon has an edge. She has... THAT spell. A spell not unlike my own, but corrupting the user rather than injuring them, stronger than mine. We can't beat that, but she can. Eclipsa can stop Moon. She fights for monsters. She MARRIED a monster. You gotta trust me."

"Comet," Marco sighs, "I love you, and so does everyone else, but I'm not gonna help you with this one. If you fulfill your deal, it's over between us."

"You're bluffing," Comet glares.

He totally is. Marco has no intention to dump Comet, and the threat is made solely as a desperate attempt to protect her from her own unstable and unhealthy mentality of monsters VS everyone else. That she can never be happy.

"No I'm not," Marco lies, "but I'm not gonna stop you, as long as you answer one question."

"What?" Comet sighs, "what question is so important?"

"Will you kill her?" Marco asks, "will you kill Moon Butterfly?"

This question shakes Comet to her very core, as killing Moon as been the one stable thing for so long, and now, even that has been brought into question.

"I am a monster," Comet glares, "she is queen. We fight."

"Fine," Marco sighs, "I'll be going then."

Marco opens a portal and leaves to attack the High Commission, leading the charge with Kelly and Buff Frog as the two traitors join Comet around back, exploiting the diversion created by the frontal assault.

However, they soon realize that things won't go as planned, as Heinous's automatons surround the back entrance of the tower...

Star VS The Forces Of Evil Monster Star AU (Plus One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now