Ludo in the Abyss

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It was years ago. The very same day Comet was cursed. The day Toffee and his forced attacked. Dennis and Ludo charged into battle together.

They had joined Toffee's army a year prior. When their parents were killed by Moon's forces as they hunted Toffee down. Toffee took the two in and raised them as his own until that fateful day...

Ludo had been bested by River, who pinned Ludo under his foot, Ludo's faithful companions, a bird and a spider, hissing in desperation. River lifted his ax to strike, only to hesitate. He remembered this was a child. No older than... He wasn't really sure. Ludo was only sixteen at the time, being in his thirties today. He would be at least, if not for what River did next.

He opened a portal and banished Ludo into some unknown realm as a three year old Dennis watched in horror.

Today Dennis is 18, fifteen years later.

For the next countless years, Ludo was lost in a realm he did not know. A realm of strife and conflict. A realm ruled...

By Prime of the Magical High Commission.

Much as Hekapoo's realm has time work oddly, Prime's does the same, but while Hekapoo's realm can have years pass there and minutes pass everywhere else (save for Hekapoo's dimension where time is indepent) years can pass elsewhere but only months pass in Prime's dimension.

Ludo spent years there, trying his best not to go mad in the rocky landscape full of clocks and little life. He fed on what little he could find in the place, as food was scarcely spread across the rocky landscape. Ludo feared he would never escape this place. That is until...

Back when Comet and Marco froze time, Ludo was lost, without a way out of the realm after being lost for what was to him, one year's time. However, as he was in said realm, he was unaffected by the time freeze and managed to escape, swiping Marco's scissors to open a portal before returning them. Bringing is to today, Ludo having only aged one year...

Toffee thinks to himself, wondering about Comet's well being when Eclipsa calls him.

"Hello," Toffee greets.

"I have good news and bad news," Eclipsa explains, "Good news is that Comet should be OK now. She's made real progress mentally. She still needs therapy though."

"And the bad news?" Toffee inquires.

"We have to go to the Realm of Magic," Eclipsa replies.

"Are you mad that's to risky," Toffee retorts, "There must be some other way."

"Toffee we broke magic," Eclipsa explains, "And this is the only way to fix it. We don't have a choice. If we want this to end peacefully we have to fix this."

"End peacefully?" Toffee inquires, "Does Moon even deserve peace after what she did in the Spider Bite Kingdom?"

"Maybe peace in death," Eclipsa replies, "Personally I don't think she would go to Hell if you believe in that stuff. You know, given her circumstances and all."

"I would agree but I haven't looked at my faith much," Toffee explains, "Being immortal and all. If we do all end up in Heaven at some point then neat. If not, whatever. That's my view."

"Makes sense," Eclipsa shrugs.

"Stay safe," Toffee replies.

"I will," Eclipsa replies, "This is going to go just fine."

Eclipsa hangs up as she opens the portal with her wand to the Realm of Magic. The portal easy to make due to magic's general instability. Comet and Eclipsa look at each other, silently nod, and enter the portal.

The Realm of Magic is bathed in a pale light like that of a full moon. The air is chilled, like that of late Auttum, and the sky is in perpetual twilight. The ground is black, covered in sticky webbing for miles, and thousands of small spiders crawl about.

Immediately, horrified by the swarm, Eclipsa opens her umbrella, grabs Comet, and flies above the swarm, watching, mortified as they screech at her.

A screech above the thousands of others is heard, and a ten feet tall titan of a black widow spider appears above the swarm. It leaps at the two Mewmens catching Eclipsa off guard. However, with her newfound confidence, Comet is ready. She takes a deep breath and dips down. Deeper than ever before, and calls upon a deeply buried power. She sprouts bat like wings, her eyes glow with magical energy, and she begins to float above the swarm of spiders.

She casts Hellish Obliteration on the horde, and slays them with her unholy power.

This is the peak of Comet's power, her Monstrosity Form. This is what her equivalent to Mewberty is. And like Mewberty...

This form can be hard to control.

The Realm reforms to a world of golden water, as the magically charged Comet turns to Eclipsa.

"Comet are you OK?" Eclipsa demands.

A song is heard, catching Comet's attention. She is drawn to it.

"Comet!" Eclipsa demands. Comet retaliates with a snap that banishes Eclipsa from the realm.

"Oh God..." Eclipsa sighs, "I messed up..."

Penelope awakens, returned to her normal state, only to see Kelly sleeping, watching over her to see that she's OK.

"Kelly?" Penelope asks.

Kelly awakens and upon seeing Penelope, hugs her, "Thank God you're OK! I was so worried!"

Penelope blushes before hugging Kelly back, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I let my rage take hold. I'm sorry. How did you change me back?"

"Oh so you may not like this," Kelly sighs, "But I got some help from Eclipsa..."

Comet reaches the source of the song, a white unicorn who greets her, "Hello Comet. I've been calling to you..."

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