Sister and Brother

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Kelly looks at the photo as she enters the forest. It's certainly not what she expected, but it could be worse. She wanders about, trying to find Penelope, only to notice webbing on a tree to her left. She follows it, eventually finding her way to a nest, made of webbings, the abode in a dark part of the forest, and each thread of silk frosted over.

Kelly takes a deep breath to calm her fear at the eerie sight and proceeds, "Penelope? Are you OK?"

There's no response, only the chilled wind of the Winter, as eight eyes watches the young... whatever Kelly is.

Penelope reveals herself, landing behind Kelly, eight spider legs extending from her back, her two eyes now also eight, black and soulless. Her face is normal, but her arms are covered in long black hairs. Her body is deformed, her torso dangling as the spider legs carry her about.

"I can control it," Penelope pleads, "Please don't take this from me."

"Penelope," Kelly pleads, "look at yourself. You're becoming Moon. A mad queen consumed by vengeance. You can't control this power."

"I can if I practice!" Penelope pleads, "If I train! If I-"

Penelope vomits and collapses to her knees.

"Penelope!" Kelly exclaims, rushing over to help her back to her feet, "Does that form hurt you? Are you out of your mind?"

"I can't," Penelope sighs gasping for air, "I just... kill Moon before this kills me. I can do that. I-"

Kelly begins to cry and hugs Penelope, "Please, go to sleep. Just go to sleep. Let us fix you. Let us help you. This is clealry like the Mewmen butterfly transformation and staying like this is killing you."

Kelly holds Penelope close to her, Penelope beginning to calm down as she returns Kelly's embrace, exhaustion setting in as the young princess nods off into a deep slumber, leaving Kelly a chance to plan her next move.

She knows she doesn't have much time. To remain in the magically supercharged state much longer, will kill her. She lifts Penelope and opens a portal to Marco's house. She goes through and lays Penelope to rest on the couch in the living room. She has only one hope now, and that's...

"Good to see you Star," Eclipsa greets in her castle on Mewni, "how are you?"

Eclipsa pours Star a cup of tea as Star sits with a Eclipsa, sighing, "Have you and Toffee spoken recently?"

"No," Star sighs.

"Are you upset with him?" Eclipsa asks.

"No," Star sighs, "Just... haven't talked. My make up routine takes half my day so I don't have the time. I should, if he wants to talk he can say hi. He's still my uncle."

"Just clarifying that," Eclipsa replies, "So tell me Star, why all the make up?"

"Because I'm Star," Star replies, "Not Comet."

"What's wrong with Comet?" Eclipsa asks.

"If I was Star I would be happy," Star explains, "I would rule Mewni and-"

"But Comet made a family not of blood but of love," Eclipsa explains, "Comet is my little sister, Toffee's neice, the powerful princess who gave monsters hope, the women Marco loves, Baby's best freind and sister. Star? Star is nothing more than a lie that twisted Moon into madness. Now, which do you want to be?"

Comet starts crying, and hugs Eclipsa, "I just want all the pain to end. I want it all to end. No more war. No more factions. No more Moon. I just want to be happy."

"You can be," Eclipsa assures her, "We just need to defeat Moon. We can reason with her. It's OK Comet. It's OK."

"My name is-" Comet begins to correct her but sighs, "No. I am Comet Butterfly, a monster, and I don't want to be anything else!"

"I'm happy for you," Eclipsa smiles, "And proud of you for saying that. Now, I need your help. We must repair the realm if magic..."

"Oh yes," the young man chuckles, "That's where you are isn't it?"

The young man chuckles maddly, "I've been lost in the void for so long, but you don't kill kids do you River?"

The young man stands on a Cliffside above the Spider Bite Kingdom. Yes. River doesn't kill kids. He never kills kids. He would never kill a young soldier...

Like Ludo all those years ago.

"I'm coming for you," he chuckles, "River..."

But how is Ludo alive? Where has he been? That's a story for next time...

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