Lunar Eclipse

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Toffee sits on his throne.

"So it comes full circle," Glossaryck comments, "first Moon goes dark, then Comet, and now you. The one who started it all."

"Not quite," Toffee chuckles, "unlike them, I know how to control it. Those two have no idea how to contain their power."

"Trust me," Glossaryck replies, "I know first hand. Comet was truly dark."

"I just hope," Toffee sighs, running his hand missing a finger through his hair, "that her friends can keep her from going dark again."

"She was nearing the point of no return."

"I know. That's what worries me. One more bad thing, and she could snap."

"Like when she learned about what you did to her."

"I was aiming for Moon."

"Does it really matter?"

"That's enough outta you."

Toffee closes the spell book in his lap, silencing Glossaryck. He sighs, and runs his fingers along the edges of an old photo at him and Comet when she was a kid.

"If only I had told you the truth," he mumbles to himself, "you wouldn't be in this mess..."

"Toffee!" Buff Frog barges in, "I have bad news!"

"Is it Comet?" Toffee demands, "is she OK?"

"Worse!" Buff Frog explains, "it's Moon! She's on Mewni! You can't beat her blind! What are we gonna do?"

"Remain calm," Toffee smiles, "you just gotta be my eyes. Now, where is she?"

"Follow me," Buff Frog replies, leading Toffee with the sound of his voice...

Meanwhile, in the forest, Moon enters the city, still in her Dark Mewberty state. She approaches the castle. Fairies, demons, and guards of all races allied with Toffee attack her. She smirks, and with a brust of dark magic, knocks them all to the ground. Her eyes glow green, and her wings wings are a deep black. Her skin is tainted by darkness, becoming a purple color.

"Moon!" Toffee growls as he ans Buff Frog approach, "the time has come to end this!"

"You!" Moon roars, "you killed her! My daughter is dead!"

"What?" Toffee asks, "you heard the ballard right?"

"I don't think she did," Buff Frog interjects.

"I did," she growls, "but I heard it from Comet herself. Star is dead!

The crowd of citizens, curious, but keeping their distance, murmur with curiosity. Toffee realizes he has to play along to Comet's lie.

"She was alive last I checked," he explains, "guess she's gone now."

"I'll turn you to ash!" Moon roars.

Moon lunges at Toffee.

"Dude dodge!" Buff Frog exclaims.

Toffee rolls out of the way. Moon flies up and prepares to blast Toffee. Buff Frog grabs a sheild from a knocked out soldier and blocks the attack for Toffee.

"Now!" He demands.

"Glad I read that book!" Toffee smirks as he looks to the sky and heard Moon's wings flapping, "Hellish Obliteration!"

Toffee blasts Moon out of the sky with the black beam, but he can't maintain it for long, and soon stops as he hears a cracking in his bad hand.

"No!" Moon struggles to her feet, "not... not hey! I'll kill you! Your kind is a stain! You must be destroyed!"

Moon starts crying, "I won't let you ruin what's left of my daughter's legacy!"

Moon lunges at Toffee. Buff Frog tries to bash her with the sheild, but she ducks under it and grabs the spell book from under Toffee's arm.

"Heh," she smiles, "guess the High Commission just got back their most powerful member."

Toffee casts a Bat Blast, but Moon opens the book, and Glossaryck blocks the attack.

"Sorry," he smiles, "but I obey who holds the book."

Moon opens a portal to the High Commission.

"Three weeks," she explains, "I will give you three weeks to prove Star is alive. If you bring her to me, and return my kingdom, I will spare Comet. Otherwise, I will wipe out EVERY SINGLE MONSTER. If Star is not found, Comet MUST be destroyed. Three weeks. Good luck."

Moon leaves.

"What do we do?" Buff Frog asks.

Toffee gets back up with a limp.

"Comet isn't ready," he explains, "We let her recover for as long as we can. You, prevent a panic. Keep this on the down low."

"As you wish," Buff Frog replies, "you heard him! No one else hears about this!"

Toffee sits back on his throne. He knows that things just got a whole lot worse, because now...

Moon has Glossaryck.

Moon returns to the High Commission.

River runs up to her, "you're OK!" He exclaims, kissing her.

"Yeah," she smiles, River calming her slightly as she hides the spell book, "sorry about that. Look, I need to think. Can I have the top floor to myself for a bit?"

"Sure," River smiles, "you heard her."

The remaining two listen and exit the room. Moon opens the spell book.

"So what's our plan?" Glossaryck asks.

"I know they're in there," Moon growls, "show them to me. Show me Comet's chapter..."

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