The Town Below

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"You coming Baby?" Ponyhead asks opening a portal.

"Yeah," Baby replies, "where we headed? You never said."

"So," Ponyhead explains, "you may have heard that Comet's got a bit of a rep going with those against Moon. Right?"

"I've heard rumors," Baby replies.

"Well, my friend Kelly has been trying to help. She's managed to figure out where most of the monsters are hiding. We're going to check it out."

"Shouldn't we get Comet?"

"About Comet... I think she's changed a bit since she fought Moon."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. She's so... hostile. It's all about killing Moon."

"Exactly. So we're gonna go check this place out, and see if we can't try to take Mewni ourselves."

"And if we can't?"

"Then we can say we tried."

"Alright. Let's go."

The two go through the portal, ending up in a dark forest filled with tangled trees and prickly bushes. "Odd," Ponyhead comments, "they should be here."

"Hey!" A voice with an accent demands from the trees, "who are you?"

"I'm Ponyhead," Ponyhead explains, "and this is Baby. We're here because of Kelly."

"If that's true," the voice replies from all directions, echoing on the trees, "then what is the password?"

"It's uhhh..." Ponyhead stops. Kelly didn't mention a password.

"I've got this," Baby steps in, "I saw the attacks. I know what their motto is. The password is: no remorse, no surrender."

A tall, muscular frog monster appears from the trees. "You friends of Comet," he asks, "yes?"

"Yeah," Ponyhead replies, "also bestites with eachother!"

Baby and Ponyhead touch paw to horn. That being as close to a high five as they can get.

"Come with me," the frog replies.

The frog leads the duo through the forest, far off the beaten path.

"So," Baby asks, "what's your name?"

"I am Buff Frog," the frog explains, "I keep an eye out for other survivors seeking refuge. Come now, we must go deeper."

"We're in the dead center of the forest," Ponyhead explains.

"No," Buff Frog smiles, "deeper underground."

Buff Frog knocks on the ground in a particular fashion, revealing a secret entrance, hidden under the leaves.

"This is how we hide from Mewmens," he explains, "they believe the forest empty."

The trio head into the bunker. The bunker is filled with monsters of all types and ages. It's cold, dark. The bunker opens up after a while, revealing an entire underground town of monsters.

"You came!" Kelly excliams, running up to Ponyhead, "good to see you!"

"Gurl I'd never let you down!" Ponyhead replies, "here, let me introduce you to my friend Baby."

"Nice to meet you," Baby greets.

"As to you," Kelly smiles, "anyways, since I met Comet, I've decided to help monsters however I can. I found this place, and... truth is they're in a bad spot. I was hoping you'd bring Comet, to raise morale, but I'm sure you two can say something about Comet. Give a speech. Try to give them hope. You can handle that, right?"

"Uhhh..." Ponyhead remembers how Comet's been acting, "I'm not good at public speaking."

Baby considers a similar excuse, but then looks around. These monsters need hope. They need a hero, and, even if she's not really one, Comet can be that hero.

"I'll do it," Baby volunteers.

"Alright," Kelly replies, "I'll get their attention. Hey! Everyone! Listen up!"

The whole town goes silent and gathers around Baby.

"I'm a friend of Comet," Baby explains, "and I just wanted to say some words."

Baby looks at Ponyhead, who mouthes, "be careful."

"Comet," Baby takes a deep breath, "is a warrior. She has fought for monsters since she was young. She is dedicated, strong, and brave. However, even though Comet is our hero, the only one we have, we can't be like Comet. I know her. She can be hostile, violent, emotional. Comet is a strong warrior, and I promise she will defeat Moon, but, after that... I don't know."

"Who cares?" A monster from the crowd asks, "Comet for queen!"

"Queen Comet!" The crowd chants, "Queen Comet! Queen Comet!"

"Well," Kelly leads Ponyhead and Baby away from the crowd, "Nice work, but, why did you add that stuff at the end?"

"Look," Ponyhead explains, "Comet... she's changed. She's not a hero. She's a fighter, yes, but if she becomes queen... just promise you'll keep her in check."

"I promise," Kelly smiles, "Well, I gotta head topside and get food for these guys. See you to later. Also, it was nice to meet you... uhhh..."

"It's Baby," Baby smiles.

"Right," Kelly replies, "see you later."

Kelly exits the bunker via the hatch. Ponyhead opens a portal and the duo return to Earth.

"Hey," Ponyhead asks, "do you really think we should really let Comet go through with this?"

"Look," Baby replies, "we have no choice. If push comes to shove, we'll just take the throne from her and let Toffee rule. OK?"

"Won't she get mad?"

"It'll be for her own good."

"Alright," Ponyhead sighs, "well, I've had enough dimensional travel for one day. I'm gonna take a nap. See you later."

Ponyhead heads upstairs to sleep in her chair. Baby looks outside, and sees Comet training. It won't be long before she can see again, and she's almost finished training. When she attacks Mewni...

Baby questions her choice, thinking it may have been better to steal the spell book, but then remembers the philosophy that all monsters live by.

No remorse, no surrender...

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