We Need to Talk About Moon (Discussion. Not part of the fanfic)

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Moon Butterfly.

Where do I even begin for my deep, resounding hatred for Moon Butterfly?

Look at the start or season 4, Moon was really great and I really started to like her as a character. The scene where she expresses respect for Star's choice felt genuinely kind and motherly and I really loved that whole episode.

Then she falls back into old habits, but let's first establish said habits.

Let's begin with when we first meet a far younger Moon after her mother's death. Let's look at from Moon's perspective. Yeah, her mom is dead, I'll give her that she probably has some excuse for making the deal with Eclipsa even if in her eyes Eclipsa is pure evil which means, what she did was wrong and she knew it, but to an extent she does get a pass here because of her own emotional turmoil. This isn't where I have a problem with her.

No I got upset when the High Commission confronted her. She talks about how she did her job, and how she will continue to crush the monster forces.



So in other words.

What she did was wrong.

She knew it was wrong.

Yet she's going to keep doing it.

Not to mention continuing to chase down the monsters who are strongly implied to have already scattered and fallen apart. At that point it's simpily mass murder. Needless bloodshed against what can't even be called an army anymore. That's just wrong no matter how you cut it, and the pass of a loved one's death can only go so far.

Then there's Star. Now, I don't think we can say for sure if Moon is a good or bad parent, and no matter how we cut it Ludo's parents are far far far worse so to say Moon is bad is kinda overstating it but she at least isn't perfect as we see in a flashback in season one that Star, age four, was taught to kill people!

Who lets a kid be baby sat by trained killers!?!

We see in the episode with the monster expert that the castle has experts on everything! Even cheese! You can't tell me there's not at least some form of actual baby sitter better than the guards!

Although there's always a chance this was River's idea so mayhaps it is best to ignore that. Makes more sense for his character to suggest the guards watch Star but who knows?

Aside from this, Moon seemed to be a very caring person. Talking to Ludo in Battle of Mewni, and Mina in Ghost of Butterfly Castle (which is the newest episode as of writing this so things could very well change), but it is the very ending of that episode that makes my blood boil!

We see that Moon and Eclipsa, despite some distrust, do get along. Moon at least acts friendly towards her in the episode where Moon regains her memories, so it's implied Moon cares about Eclipsa, but at the end of the episode we see she just... doesn't.

She learns Mina Loveberry tried to yada yada (which let's be real is just a way to censor murder) Eclipsa.

What does Moon do?


OK so if she doesn't care about Eclipsa and that was the end of it then maybe it would be OK, and yes Eclipsa isn't the best queen I'll grant her that, but by simple virtue of Eclipsa being Star's current care taker would it be to much to send a heads up Eclipsa's way?

Hell, Moon really isn't a great mom when you realize if she doesn't trust Eclipsa then why in God's name would she leave Star, her only child, with her? Not willing to trust her with the kingdom but totally chill with her being at least somewhat responsible for your daughter's well being Moon? What is wrong with her?

Let's dig deeper into this yes? Eclipsa is, to Star and Marco, at least somewhat supportive and caring, as we see in Blood Moon Curse, Marco feels comfortable to confide with her. I would go as far to argue that while not related by blood, she is still kinda an aunt to Star and even Marco. However this gets into the semantics of the meaning of family which I won't discuss here (but blood ties hold no merit and it's a matter of who you love as family), but by virtue of that alone shouldn't a quick heads up be a minimum?

If we are assuming Moon considers Eclipsa a friend that makes this even worse! Because what kind of "friend" learns about an attempt at another friend's life and says nothing? Simpily by virtue of that alone Moon should just say "Hey Mina tried to kill you OK bye."

She doesn't even have to do anything else! Just warn them! At least warn Star! She's with Eclipsa and could easily be caught in the cross fire! If not by friendship then by virtue of motherhood she should say something! Anything!

But no! This selfish, monster killing, so called mother, sits in her hammock and stays silent. This inaction speaks louder than any action she could give at this point. What Moon does her endangers the Kingdom to further collapse, endangers her daughter, endangers any who oppose Mina (who while I do argue would deserve redemption is a very unstable and dangerous person with a ton of power who we clealry see in season 3 has gone mad in addition to being a wanted criminal by the High Commission who should be turned in for the safety of everyone), and endangers any who come into contact with Mina.

Moon is selfish, racist against monsters, disloyal, arguably neglectful in the case of Star staying with Eclipsa who she doesn't trust, and is overall a horrible person.

Can she be redeemed?

For sure!

Is it to late?

Hell no!

Will I be upset if she gets killed off?


If Moon doesn't get called out for this I'm going to be upset.

Go to Hell, Moon.

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