The Rumor

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Moon sits with the High Commission, glowing with darkness. The remaining members argue and bicker about what their next move is.

"We need to kill Comet!" Moon exclaims, "she beat Rhombulus. She's a threat!" We all know what she's capable of.

"If Star's alive we have to find her!" Hekapoo snaps back, "she's your daughter! Doesn't that mean anything!?!"

"Star is dead!" Moon snaps back, "let it go!"

"Both of you are wasting your breath," Omnitraxus Prime sighs, "we need to reclaim Mewni. Toffee has Glossaryck and the wand. If we don't strike soon he'll become to powerful for us to defeat."

"Comet's to powerful as it is now!" Moon growls, "she has to die!"

"She's just a kid!" Hekapoo growls, "no more than fourteen! Can you really justify killing her?"

"We tried to crytalize her," Moon glares, "maybe even reform her, but she beat Rhombulus. There is only one solution."

"She has info about Star!" Hekapoo retorts, "this is our chance to learn what happened!"

Lekmet bleasts, but nobody knows what he sees and the Comission descends into chaos, no one even sure what they're arguing about anymore.

River gets fed up and steps in, "all of you shut up!"

The High Commission, or what's left of it, goes silent and looks at River.

"Here's what we need to do," River explains, "we need look into these rumors, and we need to kill Comet. However, Toffee should take priority. He has Rhombulus, and as long as I have my say, we will NOT kill Comet. She is a young, honorable warrior who has suffered enough. She won't die on my watch. Now I don't know about you guys, but I'M going to go actually DO SOMETHING and look into these rumors. I'll be back."

River opens a portal to Mewni. Moon's glow dissapears, as she is consumed by a fear of losing River like she lost Star.

"River wait!" Moon yells, but she's to late, River is now on Mewni...

Meanwhile, Toffee sits on his throne, holding the old cloak he used to disguise himself when he spoke to River quite some time ago. He wonders what River is up to now. He's dissapeared since Comet took Mewni, and hasn't been heard from since.

"King Toffee!" A demon soldier enters, "we have word of River's presence in the kingdom! Shall we attack him?"

"No," Toffee replies, "I'm assuming he's alone?"

"Yes my king," the soldier replies, "how shall I address this?"

"I'll see to it personally," Toffee replies, putting on his cloak, "and I'm going alone..."

Meanwhile, River is discussing the ballard with two Mewmens.

"So," River asks, "there's no actual confirmation that Star's alive?"

"Well," a female citizen, "you'd have to find Comet, but she threatened to kill Toffee so... good luck."

"I see," River replies, "while I'm here, I'd like to visit a friend of mine. Have you seen him? Tall, wears a cloak, wise. He fought in the war thirteen years ago."

"Ah," a man in a cloak greets, "good to see you old friend."

"As to you veteran," River smiles, "how have you been?"

"I've been quite well," I reply, "you hear of the ballard?"

"Yeah. Comet declared war on the kingdom."

"I don't think anything's gonna come of that. She has no army, and she's ill after her time as queen."

"So I've heard. I must ask, is it true Toffee intends to destory the High Commission?"

"Yes. He agrees with Comet that they are false gods. That is why he is continuing the war."

"I understand. Tell me veteran, I am having an argument with the others, do you think Star is alive?"

"Yes, I do believe so."


"Yes. I know so."

"How do you know?"

"I can't tell you."

"Veteran, please, my wife is loosing herself to darkness. I need proof that Star is alive. Do you have any proof at all?"

Toffee takes a deep breath, and sighs, "fine. But we won't be friends after this."

Toffee removes his hood, and reveals his true identity. River is left speechless as Toffee explains, "yes, it was me. I know Star is alive, but I can't tell you where she is, if I did, she would die. It's a complex situation. For now, just know, she is safe. I can promise you that much."

"That's enough for me," River snaps out of his shock.

"You're angry," Toffee asks, "aren't you?"

"A little," River sighs, "yes, but hey, this isn't the battlefield. We can still be friends, but know when war begins..."

River glares at Toffee and growls, "our friendship with mean NOTHING."

"Glad we agree there," Toffee replies, "I'm going to assume you wanna pass this on to Moon?"

"Yes," River replies, "farewell my friend."

"As to you," Toffee smiles.

River returns to the High Commission. Moon immediately hugs him.

"You're alive!" She exclaims, almost crying, "don't scare me like that!"

"It's OK," River hugs her back, "and I have great news. Star's alive Moon."

The look on Moon's face is one of hope, joy, and the darkness fades for a moment, before returning.

"Hekapoo!" Moon exclaims, "Star's alive! We're going to go search for her!"

"The Underworld would be a good place to start," Hekapoo replies, "would be a good place for someone who wants to lay low to hide."

"Let me come with you," River offers, "if Star's there she'll want to see both of us besides Comet-"

"No," Moon replies, "Comet is why I need you to stay. If Comet is holding Star hostage, and she kills it, it'll fall to you to save her. Can you do that for me? Can you promise me, if I die, you'll save Star?"

"I promise," River replies.

"Thank you," Moon smiles, "let's go Hekapoo."

Moon and Hekapoo head to the Underworld, to look for Star, but even if they found her...

They wouldn't realize who she was.

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