A Heinous Past

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Baby holds her notebook, thinking. She opens some old evaluation notes on Comet and sighs, worried about her. She worries what kind of offer Eclipsa made her. She worried that Eclipsa is simply using Comet and the others. But mostly...

She's afraid of Eclipsa.

Heinous looks at her gloves, thinking. She thinks about Eclipsa as she looks at her army from the balcony of a castle built where her school once stood. She notices Baby and greets her, "you came out here to think too?"

"Yeah," Baby sighs, "about Comet. I'm worried about her. We have to stop Eclipsa. She's making a horrible mistake, they all are. That's why I have to step in. It's not like I wanna go behind their backs, but..."

"I too know how bad Eclipsa can be," Heinous explains, "trust me, you made the right choice, and tomorrow, they'll all see that too."

"What do you mean you know?" Baby asks, "you're only like, seventy."

"No," Heinous sighs tugging on her gloves, "I'm much older."

Symbols begin to appear on Heinous's cheeks as she sighs, "can I trust you Baby? Like, as a friend?"

"I guess," Baby shrugs.

"OK," Heinous explains, "let me tell you a story from the beginning. It was about 270 years ago. Eclipsa was about twenty-two, and she was crystallized."

"And her husband and daughter were killed," Baby continues, "I remember performing an evaluation on her daughter the day before."

"And you promised to be her friend," Heinous asks, "right?"

"How did you-"

"That girl never died Baby. That girl lived. That girl..."

Heinous removes her left glove, revealing her hand to be covered in red scales.

"That girl," she explains, "was me."

"I have so many questions," Baby explains, almost to shocked to speak.

"Then let me start from the beginning," Heinous explains...

270 years ago. Mewni castle. Grandma room.

"Daddy?" A young princess asks, "where's mommy?"

"Listien," her father, a large red monster explains, "you have to go."

"But Hekapoo is mama's friend," the young princess replies, "why does she want to hurt you?"

"You need to listen," the monster replies, "Hekapoo isn't your friend anymore. Look..."

The monster leans down and looks the princess in the eye, "your need to repress your power. Follow my lead, OK? Take a deep breath."

The princess complies.

"Now try to feel nothing at all. No emotion," the monster holds back tears.

The princess complies as the symbols on her cheeks begin to dissapear.

"Remember," the monster sighs, "you have to be..."

"Perfect," the princess finishes.

"Very good," the monster chuckles, "now go, quickly."

The princess flees as the High Commission attack. She looks back, just in time to see the monster stabbed and killed by Lekmet...


One hundred years later.

"Heh," an elderly woman smiles, "guess I age a lot slower, but I know I'm not immortal. I'll die eventually."

The woman looks in the mirror and takes a deep breath. She's in an abandoned castle, tinkering with technology and magic, and many discarded automatons are scattered about as she looks at a photo sitting in an old, dusty frame. A photo of her mother and father.

"Oh Eclipsa," she chuckles, "If only you married a Mewmen, bit now I'm on the run as a criminal because of you. I hate you, mom."

The woman rips apart the photo and continues to work on the automatrons, getting one to activate by tinkering with it with a wrench and some mild magic she used by dipping down, causing her symbols to appear.

"Fix the others," she smiles.

The robotic minion complies as the woman takes a deep as she forces the symbols to dissapear.

"Now," she smiles, taking blueprints from her pocket, "I won't be the only one who has to be perfect..."

One hundred seventy years later.

Months from the present.

The old woman looks at her school, and smiles.

"Finally," she chuckles, "I'm not alone in this act anymore."

There is a knock on her door. Fear stretches across the woman's face.

"Come in Moon!" She exclaims.

Moon enters, anger on her face, and explains, "I've come to work out a deal..."

"I failed that deal," Heinous sighs, "and she destroyed my school, leading us to where we are now. Remember? The deal to capture Comet?"

"Oh yeah," Baby replies, "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. So that's why you made the school?"

"So I wouldn't be alone," Heinous sighs, "but hey, it's fine now, because I'm not alone. I have you."

"Right," Baby smiles, "guess that's true."

"Best get some shut eye," Heinous continues, "we attack tomorrow."

"Rest well Heinous," Baby smiles.

"You too Baby," Heinous smiles back as she goes to bed.

She looks in the mirror, noticing the symbols have appeared. She considers making them go away but...

"No," she mumbles under her breath.

She summons a small black flame from the palm of her hand.

"I'm done acting," she smirks...

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